Mutual respect, knowledge and understanding of it as a weapon of the 21. century

Obviously futile miliary means in all war conflicts call for at least an elementary increase of the level of our vibrations / consciousness when trying to solve the hot planetary issues.
The esoteric schools have very simple and useful devices. Sri Gyanamata forinstance reminds us of Sri Yukteswar’s advice: “when devotion fails to support us, then duty must step in. Learn to behave. Practice the good old-fashioned virtues…the careful, watchful regulation of our daily conduct to each other when we do not feel like it“.
Jewish issue in Europe vs India:
“The experiences of Jewish communities vary widely depending on historical, cultural, and geopolitical factors. India has had a long history of hosting Jewish communities, including Bene Israel, Baghdadi Jews, and others. Unlike in Europe, where anti-Semitism led to pogroms and eventually the Holocaust, the Jewish community in India did not face systematic persecution on such a scale.

Several factors contributed to this difference:

  1. Historical Context: India has a long tradition of pluralism and tolerance towards different religious and ethnic groups. Jews settled in various parts of India throughout history and were often welcomed by local rulers.
  2. Absence of Institutionalized Anti-Semitism: Unlike in some European countries, there was no institutionalized anti-Semitism in India. Jews were able to practice their faith and participate in society without facing widespread discrimination.
  3. Integration into Society: Jewish communities in India often assimilated into the broader cultural fabric while maintaining their religious and cultural identity. They were active participants in trade, commerce, and various professions, which facilitated their integration into Indian society.
  4. Relationship with the Host Community: In many cases, Jews enjoyed positive relationships with their non-Jewish neighbors. This mutual respect and understanding helped foster peaceful coexistence.
  5. Geopolitical Factors: India’s geopolitical situation differed from Europe’s, and there were no widespread movements or ideologies advocating for the persecution of Jews on Indian soil.

While Jews in India faced challenges and occasional incidents of discrimination, they did not experience the systematic pogroms and genocide seen in Europe. This difference underscores the complex interplay of historical, cultural, and political factors in shaping the experiences of Jewish communities around the world.”

So back to the basics. One “secret” – in one way it is never too late.


An open letter to the US President

February 20, 2024

President Joe Biden
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President,

Today and tomorrow, the extradition of Mr. Julian Assange to the United States of America will be discussed in the United Kingdom’s court. Any normal-thinking being would say that 14 years of imprisonment without sunlight is a long enough sentence for journalists and publishers for publishing information that was and more than ever still is in the interest of all humanity. Since this is clearly a political case, which is not subject to extradition under the agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom, and at the same time contains absurd allegations of nearly two dozen violations of the antiquated US counter-espionage law, which correspond to my case, one cannot help but assume that his case is being misused as a proxy for mine and that is utterly unethical and unjust considering my numerous character failures being ascribed to him.
At my age, with all that I have been through consciously or unconsciously, I am able to stand up to your country and its judges and clear up all the misunderstandings that have been caused by the one-sided expedient interpretations of my life that your defense department provided in a seemingly unlawful recording to the whole world.
I always repeat that with my sinful past, I will definitely not play the role of a defender of my human rights, but when I see how an innocent person is imprisoned on my account and how esoteric knowledge got into the hands of the law that patented it, secreted it, privatized it, misused it against humanity, has not correctly understood its inner dimensions and is enriching himself financially with it at the expense of the suffering of many millions of people all over the planet, I raise my voice against this. My native country, basing itself on its sovereignty, awaits orders from the United States on how to treat its citizen. Mr. Julian Assange is in a similar position, and the democratic West is outraged by the “murder” of Mr. Navalny.
My case lies at the crossroads of many complicated problems, which seem impossible to solve separately because they are more or less connected or mutually conditioned.
However, the United States and the United Kingdom have several legal alternatives to avoid the requested extradition of Mr. Julian Assange. Why choose instead a legally questionable option that will go down in the history of your countries as one of the most shameful? Because of what? Why create more and more karmic debts on the threshold of a new age for humanity and the planet itself?
“Righteousness and judgment basis of throne of you, kindness and truth they are preceding face of you” Psalm 89:14

Most respectfully,

Dagmar Palmerova
Dolni Brezany
The Czech Republic

No, but you can look at their virtues and the real danger they represent to society. ‘Be very kind to the first and a little blind’ to the second, if none.

The “red thread” of 2024

“Many years ago I read a volume of sermons by an English clergyman. I only remember one short one on prayer, and of that I can recall only two statements. He said that in all the rope used by the British Navy a red thread was woven, adding that through all our prayers must run the red thread of surrender to the will of God. Above all our own wishes must stand the wish that God’s will should prevail. His kingdom come, His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
What a vision of peace this opens up before the eyes of the soul!”
              From God Alone by Sri Gyanamata

What opens the vision of peace before the eyes of the global military?
With all their mastery in the Greek tragedies, they do not seem to comprehend that the kingdoms on earth originally represented the Kingdom of GOD and the kingdom’s army represented HIS Heavenly Army.
Joshua’s story is a direct testimony of that.
I thought the black theatre around my case was a way to acknowledge HIS EXISTENCE. I am reminding everyone again that if they know there is GOD (and the top space armies certainly know that) and hide the scientific proof from humanity, they are sinning against the Holy Spirit and that is the only thing that is not forgiven.
This new year should be used to inform humanity about the most important facts of its existence that are eternal, verified by different cultures of different nations of different ages. Hiding such revelations only contributes to the rise of many false conspiracy theories and fears, based on the wrong understanding of esoteric knowledge that is hidden behind the different solution-driven concepts of planetary scale people do not understand. How can they distinguish what is right or wrong?

Dear wizards,
that was very low. There was an agreement I would pay it back. And I was paying it off with the extra work until circumstances made it impossible. After all, did I not pay for it at the end through your “educational purposes”?
The ‘unconscious’ aspect of it I leave to the universal justice, it knows the best.
Of all vices of mine, money issue is the least to worry about.

Jaký trapas? Jen hrození se vanity,

nic jiného. Upřímný úsměv je obvykle projevem vřelého přátelství, které činí atmosféru srdečnější, ne tak těžkou, hustou, že by se dala krájet. A raději pár úsměvů navíc, než práskání bičem v manéži. Když někdo není schopen rozlišit motiv úsměvu, tak by se možná měl zdržovat kritických komentářů, ale zdá se, že je to předehra k dalšímu dějství operety, kde nejen zpěv, ale i úsměv bude povolován, nebo naopak předepisován jen ve zcela specifických situacích.

Co se týče cizího jazyka, dříve narozené generace neměly tu výsadu učit se cizí jazyky od mateřských škol s rodilými mluvčímí či jezdit na studia do zahraničí. Když člověk reprezentuje svůj stát na mezinárodním fóru, tak obvykle používá svůj rodný jazyk a tištěný projev, jak slýchávám při zasedáních OSN či Evropské unie, kde jsou všechny jazyky v rovnoprávném postavení a projevy jsou běžně tlumočeny.
Když někdo “mluví spatra” nebo intelem, tak má samozřejmě výhodu, ale když ne, nic se neděje. Vezme si prostě tlumočníka. Pokud máte lidem co říci, forma není až tak důležitá, obsah je podstatný. A když něčemu nerozumíte, tak se prostě zeptáte, aby vám to vysvětlili a jestli nemohou, asi nepůjde o nic důležitého..

What the UN needs most is to be allowed to address the truth

The current General Assembly of the UN is warning the world of Russia’s so-called aggression. The news from both sides of the conflict opposes each other or describes the same problems on both sides, which is not addressed in a fair way to the international community.
Russia is pointing out that we are dealing with the effects, but ignoring their causes, which is true.
And if you are aiming to attack the world, would not your military budget and industry increase, not decrease?

And the agriculture resort would hardly be a primary interest :
That rather signifies a peaceful geopolitical outlook to me.

So what is going on? What shows are you playing as a substitute for the truth?
One is about the rights of the world’s species to choose their identity contrary to Nature’s origins and the other is about the unprecedented planetary violation of human rights that is connected with humanity’s scientific advances, misused first by the defense departments and then, being passed down to the private sector, by mafia for gladiator’s plays. All that under the observing eye of the intel agencies.
It distracts public attention from the danger of psychotronic technologies described by Mr. Kucinich in H.R. 2977 (October 2, 2001). To this day, only vaguely admitted as Havana syndrome. The same year, contrary to the Nato countries, Russia admitted their existence and prohibited their use on civilians. But 20 years ago we did not have smart technologies, where a little boy could touch the phone button and electronically rape his grandma on the other side of the planet or kill a friend for fun. Free of charge.
Such technologies have been used freely in every country of the world, including Ukraine.
They will not go away, only get more and more sophisticated, and we are not prepared for them politically, legally, and spiritually. Who is going to deal with it? The UN is not allowed to do that, it is not financially independent, and there is a conflict of interests, therefore it does not have needed respect (its recommendations are ignored, and its attendance is casual or even selectively prohibited.
How can be planetary issues dealt with effectively? Not to mention the other taboos.

What’s Behind Talk of a Possible Plea Deal for Assange?

Kdy se v našich msm médiích objevuje jméno Julian Assange? Osobně se cítím mít svázané ruce esoterikou a svědomím za svou minulost , ale když jsem konfrontována politikou a případem Juliana Assange, můj postoj se vyhraňuje. Nemám dost reálných informací, ale pokud tomu rozumím, tak extradiční smlouva Spojených států amerických s Českou republikou nemá na rozdíl od smlouvy s Velkou Británií a dalšími evropskými státy výjimku pro politické vězně. Jako strategické území pro přesun Západních armád na Východ to nepotřebujeme, protože pro nás jsou političtí vězňové teroristé nebo nebezpeční nepřátelé lidstva, ale v případě, kdy pravda je stanným právem zakázaná skutečnost, nahrazená reálným symbolem politického vězně západní demokracie, ocitáme se v ošklivé situaci, hodné mezinárodního opovržení. Kvůli nám sedí představitel svobodného slova žurnalistů celé planety ve vězení, zatímco my si vzájemně lustrujeme svou passé minulost.
Já jsem připravená odpovídat na otázky novinářů, veřejnosti a ůřadů od roku 2010. Nikdo nemá zájem. To co jsem považovala za důležité jsem již mnohokrát zveřejnila sama na svých webových stránkách a omlouvala se, za co je třeba se omlouvat. Pokud se očekává něco jiného, musí mi to někdo sdělit srozumitelným lidským jazykem.
Dagmar Palmerová

Ústavní soud v nových podmínkách

Cesta od 12 Rozhněvaných mužů k Ústavnímu soudu v demokratickém zřízení není krátká a v nové historické etapě, před kterou přešlapujeme, čekaje čert ví na co, budeme konfrontováni etickými principy nejen Starého zákona, ale i Nového a na ten si nemyslím, že jsme adekvátně připraveni stupněm bytí a vědomí. Zcela nové technické komunikační zdroje nás činí zranitelnými a vystavují nás přímému, nejhrubšímu soudu společnosti, prakticky obcházejícímu soudní instituce. Na jedné straně tak postupně dojde k nucenému dodržování zákonů, na druhé straně k pokrytectví a sledování, zda sousedé dodržují stejná pravidla. V momentě, kdy by z nějakého důvodu politický systém přestal fungovat , mnozí by se pravděpodobně vrátili k dřívějším atavistickým pudům. Svobodná volba mezi ano/ne, nám garantovaná naším STVOŘITELEM je tak více méně potlačena. Nikdo se ještě ani neobtěžoval nám oznámit, že jsme byli stvořeni podle specifického vzorce. Pro potřeby mraveniště jde o žádoucí situaci, ale pro výhledové potřeby STVOŘITELE umět volit dobro před zlem ve svých komplexních nuancích a pomáhat MU s tvorbou Universu na základě absolutního dobra, je to zcela nedostačující. K tomu je zapotřebí nových vědomostí, nového myšlení a praxe.
Sz a Nz jsou velice moudrým zdrojem řešení prakticky všech lidských konfliktů, nemusíme být vůbec nábožensky orientovaní, abychom byli schopni v 21. století sladit právo světské s právem Universálním, kosmickým, který již naše věda objevila, jen ho z politických či jiných důvodů lidstvu nevysvětluje v potřebném kontextu.
Ve školách se neučí, na universitách také ne a když si vzpomenu, za co šla moje kamarádka do vězení, tak mě opět napadá Mullah Nassr Eddin:

……my friend probably did not suspect that in most
cases concerning these questions, just these ordinary threebrained beings, who acquire
information about every kind
of genuine cosmic fact exclusively only thanks to their
being-Partkdolg-duty, are more competent than any of
the Angels or Cherubim with their prepared Being, who,
though perfected
in Reason to high gradations, yet as
regards practical confrontation may appear to be only
such Individuals as our always respected Mullah Nassr
Eddin defines in the following words:
“ ‘Never will he understand the sufferings of another
who has not experienced them himself though he may
have divine Reason and the nature of a genuine Devil.’ ”

Možná, že právě tato schopnost vžít se do situace druhého a nalézt nejoptimálnější, nejúčinnější cestu nápravy by mělo být tím nejhlavnějším kritériem při volbě všech soudců….

Days of our lives

In exactly two weeks I will be out of this kitchen and without the internet so perhaps I could say goodbye to you all. It was my pleasure to meet you. From your social site’s reactions, I can see that absolutely nothing worthy came out of it for you, which I regret because there are many shortcuts in my life that could have indicated to you like the magic pills how to get to a state, where it is really worthy “to be”.
But no need to worry, there are many recycling processes and we always get new opportunities.
In the meantime, you can judge and judge and judge, and if you ever get tired of endless judging, you might organize your life so perfectly that only happy and wise relationships will flourish on this planet and all of you will live totally in accordance with 10 commandments. The tabloid press will upgrade to the church level and the wars will finally end. So after all there will be a happy ending journey, including the postage. As a matter of fact, why do not you do it now?

Člověk mechanický

Žaloby milují soudy, advokáti, banky a Čas, ale analyzování okolností, faktů a příčin je prvotním krokem k řešení jakékoliv situace. Lidé mého věku si BOHU žel/BOHU díky pamatují věci, které nové generace mají z druhé či třetí ruky a tak mohou vidět určité trendy a poukazovat na ně nikoliv jako laudatio temporis acti, ale jako na platformy, kde se mohou skrývat klíče k řešení dnešních story. Vždycky je nějaká story.
Giganti Facebooku i Googlu nám zcela jasně dokázali že coby existenční druh jsme bytosti, reagující z 99% mechanicky, automaticky. Z 500 úderů klávesnice nás odhadnou lépe než my sami sebe., čehož si již dávno všimly dávné civilizace a vytvořily ‘weby’ esoterických škol, kde se studenti učili jak se z mechaničnosti vymaňovat. Ale v dnešní době mají esoterická společenství velice obskurní pověst, za kterou mohou částečně sama společenství, částečně negativní svědectví těch, co byli jejich členy (dost často omylem či náhodou) a již nejsou, velkou vinou naprosté neinformovanosti psychologů/psychiatrů/neurologů o existenci lidské duše, kterou stále popírají, ač ji mají přímo zakotvenou v názvu svých slovutných univerzitních oborů, a z toho ústící velkou vinou infiltrace esoterických spolků obrannými složkami všech států, kde panuje podobná situace. Buď v nich vidí to, co jim říkají psychiatři: sémě ohrožení společnosti nebezpečnými živly, jež dovedou zmanipulovat nevinné lidstvo vymýváním jeho mozků, vedoucí až k dobrovolným masovým sebevraždám, a nebo naopak mají vysokou informovanost na úrovni samotných esoterických spolků. Kontrolují stupeň rozvoje jejich členů a anonymně, bez souhlasu s některými pracují na dálku, aniž by si toho byli lidé vědomi.
Poslední nechávám na svědomí výzvědných služeb a vracím se o krok zpátky k akademickému poli, které je obrovským dlužníkem vůči lidstvu ve smyslu filosoficko-existenčním., zejména v době, kdy psychotronické technologie v rukou jejich neortodoxních kolegů z vojenských výzkumných ústavů používají lidstvo zcela bez zábran (protože neexistují) coby pokusné králíky k experimentům, které by žádný demokratický stát nemohl připustit. To je snad jasné i prvňáčkovi. Fyzikálně a technicky zaměřené vědy exaktně vysvětlují podstatu subatomického světa energie a souvztažnost jejích elektromagnetických polí a vibrací s odlišnými stavy vědomí člověka. Dospěli jsme k velice absurdní situaci, ve které fyzická doména dokazuje biologické, jak je nevědomá. Nositelé Nobelových cen na to poukazují již léta a medicína stojí na příčce zvaná Havana syndrom.
Ale zpátky k mechaničnosti v běžném životě.
Ano, je využívána zcela bez skrupulí, ale ne vždy jenom za negativními účely. A také bychom ji mohli využívat pro své dobro. Generačně patřím k těm, co si pamatují jídlo v předchozím společenském systému. Bůčky a vepřové bylo rozhodně dominantnější nad ovocem a zeleninou v rodinách bez chatových zahrad, než v dnešní době, ale na druhou stranu mléko bylo mléko, chodili jsme pro něj s bandaskami, nalévalo se do nich v konzumech půl litrovou či litrovou nálevkou, vydrželo ve sklepě 3 dny a potom zkysalo. Bylo výborné s jahodami či jiným ovocem a zahřátím se z něho udělal vynikající tvaroh. Chléb se dovážel čerstvý, stály se na něj fronty, ale špičku chtěl každý člen domácnosti, takový chléb v dnešní době prostě není. Není.
Šlehačku jsme si vyráběli doma sami z mléka a másla, máslo bylo po rozehřátí žlutou tekutinou, dnes je nasycená bílou sedlinou a většinou nepochází z Čech ani Moravy. Nejlepší máslo na trhu podle opakovaných srovnávacích studií najednou zmizelo, nevím, kam se značka poděla. Jaká škoda. Přestala jsem máslo kvůli bílé hmotě v oleji skoro kupovat. A tady se dostávám zpět k tomu, proč vlastně trávím čas s tou mechaničností lidstva. Když si zvyknu na nějaký výrobek, který je kvalitní, za relativně rozumnou cenu a vyrobený doma podle stanovených norem, (nezničí se prodejem jména náhražkám), tak ho automaticky chodím kupovat. Jsem stabilním zákazníkem ať svět blbne jak chce. Tak se možná chová většina mé generace a třeba i někdo z nové…
Kdo si je toho ve výrobní sféře vědom, a zejména u rodinných podniků, tak má výhodu před ostatními, může stavět na lidské automatičnosti v dobrém smyslu slova.

A Special Time Bomb Ticking

There is a special time bomb ticking away for all of humanity.
For the first time, the total destruction of our entire biosphere
and perhaps our entire Solar system – is only moments away
from the finger on the trigger.
Tom Bearden 1986

9 July 2023 and the US “defense” departments are “digging deep” into the Czech citizens’ history while holding in their hands the future of mankind, even of our Solar system.
Nothing original, just copycating what was already predicted for the upcoming future by Mr. Beelzebub, when Mr. Bearden was still a child. Only the wording was different. The planets “puff and blow”.
Mr. current President, digging deep into my body is not going to save this planet, nor the sun in your glasses. Only THE SUN ABSOLUTE has such power and I am not sure if we deserve that.

My letter to The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Guardian in 2017

Dagmar Palmerova


Czech Republic


Dear main stream media,

If I understand, in the United States, freedom of the press is protected under the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights. Under the First Amendment the government is not allowed to censor the press. The government does not have the right to try to control what is published and cannot prevent certain things from being published by the press.

So what or who is exactly stopping you from informing the public about crimes against humanity and the planet Earth itself, which are happening to such a degree that it is well beyond the boundaries of any civilized society. You have been contacted endless times by the victims and human rights organisations about this matter, yet you do not react.

There are literally millions of people who are attacked every day with directed energy weapons including smart phones.

You all know that, my case has been broadcast in front of your eyes 24/7 since 2010 including my THOUGHTS and you still cannot recover from the news our emails are read by Intel.

You know that Intel has created and pays literally an international army of gangstalkers across the world in joint venture with local citizens, who just love money and hunt regardless of the source. They terrorize targeted people in thousands, my street is an excellent prove of that, yet Governments, Police, human rights organisations nor you do absolutely nothing, with the exception of an occasional article or documentary, where the orthodox psychologists proclaim us as delusional, in front of the world that is watching every night this absolutely degrading lascivious reality show, reminding the Roman Empire games before the total collapse.

In other words, you are making us, them and yourselves total idiots for the amusement of the chess players.

Who and how on Earth is going to explain that to me? Trust me, utterly impossible.

Don’t you want to throw up?

I do, believe me.

But I am not important, this has never been about me. This is about the whole humanity.

Why don’t you get in contact with all journalists across the world and say THAT IS ENOUGH, we go on STRIKE!!!????????,

instead of engaging yourselves in stupid second rate Zoo stories.

There would be at least millions of targeted people who would go out to support you.

The world is in such a state that we need you to intelligently report about what is going on !!! The alternative press is followed only roughly by 10% of the population, the rest is in your hands, do you understand your responsibility?

Do you understand all our brains have been scanned, including yours?

We all have Morgellons in our bodies,

the new born of our planet are welcome with injections of heavy metals, nanochips, crystals, gene edited substances and pathological matter of unknown origins,

the underground bases have cloning centres with black operations of such kind that your blood would freeze in your veins from horror,

our atheistic intel science has uncovered a partial mystery of life and death and misuses it for its power games with transhumanism, where humanity will be the looser for recycling.

Look at people now, everybody I meet on the street or in the public transport is immersed totally in their smart phones. What about the moment new technology brings into their brains virtual reality of unlimited possibilities? They will be totally lost and that is exactly the plan you are supporting now.

What about the psychotronic military systems, attacking with electromagnetic beams not just people but the planet itself,

no reports of unceasing Haarp&co radar activities across the whole globe, which itself is wrapped in a blanket of heavy metal particles, chemicals and patological organisms from biowarfare experiments on populations,

total weather control, called Climate change, using the planet itself as a weapon against the nations without an access to such technologies,

implementing different weather patterns according to superpowers political, social and economic needs, including the artificially evoked earthquakes, drought, flooding, tsunamis and other “natural” disasters,

the weather market, which bets on artificially evoked earthquakes,

and you have the nerves letting scientists and politicians parroting their CO2 stories?

Where is the limit humans actually stop themselves realizing they are not human anymore?

Or just straight to cannibalism?

Can you realise how painful it is to be aware of all this and having to read about parrots instead?

There is something called the law of appearances, the Plato’s boat. It brought some pretty impressive spectacles with many dead bodies in recent decades, is that what we are waiting for again? This time it would have to blow off a half of the world to divert the attention.

Please realise that with the current mind control technology the crowds are not in any control, all is carefully staged according to a plan, so anything which goes against that plan the crowds will not support, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?

No. You do not.

But I had to say it anyway.

With regards,

Dagmar Palmerova

The extradition matters between the nations



It does not take too long to understand Mr. Julian Assange’s position in the realm of Western justice and the interpretation of its laws.
If he stood only for himself, he would not be in this position at all because he is a publisher and journalist (to dispute that, the disputing “institutions” would have to dispute 3/4 of the media industry), he did not commit any crime. One of the presidents of the US acknowledged that by not seeking his prosecution.
But Mr. Assange does not stand for himself only. He stood up for the whole community of planetary citizens, who have been enslaved electronically by society for financial gains and/or pleasure. By publishing the intel documents, he enlightened the mystery of many physiological processes which targeted people experience every day in their bodies and no one believes them. It was beneficial especially for me in realizing, that esoteric knowledge got into the hands of humans who do not understand the sacredness of the inner world of matter and use it for exploitative purposes of power and control.
Unfortunately, it became the biggest obstacle to regaining his freedom back as my sinful saga was pinned to his case.
Unless his name is separated from my ketch up, the courts will not free him. Technically, they have a valid reason for it, of which I was not aware till yesterday.
The Czech Republic has a bilateral extradition treaty with the US that does not include the annex with the exemption for political or military offenses, nor treatment of nationalities/nationals.
So the UK court treated Mr. Assange’s case (that is essentially non-existent) as D. Palmerova’s (that essentially is real), on the basis of the undisputable facts, according to the law.
An excellent example of the difference between the subjective law of man and the objective law of the Universe.

There are voices who claim cowardice is on “our” side for not “coming out”, but where to what for??? Every one and thing is (illegal) on the screen in the first place.
The social world is very tricky, it has its own laws, likes, and dislikes, its speed, its understanding, its typical reactions, and when you approach it, you have to calculate what response you will get back. Roaches, bananas, cans, me 2, insect hamburgers, or very colourful, sunny child paintings on the footpath?
The official world is different, but how would one characterize the position of the presidential office that changes its policies and opinions as the planetary weather, and cannot face the celestial music?

There is an idiotic reality show attached to it as well and I do not know what are the objectives of its script but if I understand, the European Court is a place where I am expected to turn to.
With what? I have nothing in my hands, except the medical diagnosis of my eye but it is written in such a way that it does not clearly indicate that there is a foreign substance in it. The Police, after the consultation with the medical establishment, denied its straight evidence in a letter to me. So if I present it to the EU Court, I cannot expect any different conclusion. It operates on the same principle as the local courts.

How could I prove that the case of Mr. Assange is hindered by mine? By proving that the political exemption exists between the UK and the US.
But that is not hollywoody enough. They expect something more dramatic, more spectacular, and historical.
I am tired of this world of our personalities.
Shall I take to the EU court the Intel agencies, for hiding the anatomy of the Earth and preventing thus humanity from realizing that the Universe is theistic? And invite the Russian, US, and other scientists as witnesses?

To the US and UK Courts

Political processes have always been, are, and will be above all a great demonstration of the power of the state over the individual who dares to either question it or oppose it when it oppresses the people.
The case of Mr. Julian Assange is now in its 14th year and today in London it will be decided whether the United Kingdom will exercise its sovereignty and use the exception in the extradition treaty with the United States not to extradite a person prosecuted for political reasons.
If his case wasn’t tied to mine, he would have been released a long time ago.
And my case concerns not only my often sinful life, but intersects in political, scientific, military, and religious planes, many aspects of which are historically controversial or even military taboos. You all know that for three decades now I have occasionally dabbled in esoteric lines and their schools have exposed me to scientific materials that I have never heard of in public schools and are still top secret such as the anatomy of our planet. My first question was, why aren’t they taught about them in mainstream schools? Everyone laughed, but I ask myself the same question even today, and much more intensely, because when I read or listen to opinions from different polarized sides, it is clear to me that people do speak the same languages thanks to translations, but they don’t understand each other in terms of opinion, so it’s not even possible to effectively solve the burning problems of the planet.
Because I live in forced isolation, I don’t have the opportunity to communicate with people personally and I have to improvise or make up my own mind, and of course unnecessary misunderstandings occur on both sides.
But to put it in a nutshell – the biggest problems are of a planetary nature, they cannot be solved nationally alone, and due to our polarized, egoistic conception of the world, we need a third force that would reconcile the two polarized ones. Our ancestors called her GOD. Since we rejected it 200 hundred years ago, we have advanced scientifically by a thousand years, but our inventions bring us into a modern form of electromagnetic, microwave, or hypersonic slavery and increasingly connect us to artificial intelligence that makes it impossible to communicate with the higher dimensions of the universe.
The so-called 4th esoteric path talks about the Ray of Creation, which has its beginning in the so-called SACRED SUN OF THE ABSOLUTE, from which the entire universe with its galaxies and solar systems, including ours, is created and which is interconnected with its end, the so-called ABSOLUTE NOTHINGNESS.
The planetary militaries know that I have been on both ends and thereby confirmed the truth of the ancient esoteric and biblical theory about the creation of the world, including the fall of Adam. In other words – the universe is theistic, consciousness is primary and matter is secondary. Thus, humanity’s approach to the organization of life on Earth should be not only materialistic but also idealistic, superior to matter.
After two hundred years of materialism, it seems improbable, but science has taken GOD from mankind, science has a duty to give it back to him through scientific evidence and thereby ignite light and peace between all religions on the planet.
I have described the MOST HOLY SUN ABSOLUTE in the sky on my website, but talking about the holiest thing in the entire existence of the universe can be dangerous. It is protected. Let’s remember Joshua.
But if such an experience has been made possible for me, with my way of life, I see no reason why it cannot be made available to anyone who desires it by following one of the many paths available to the present generation. But for this one needs to have
-a well-functioning human body with full energy potential, to be able to communicate with the higher vibrations of the cosmos,
-to avoid antibiotics,
– genetic modifications,
-to have access to clean, if possible non-chemicalized water and food,
-clean air as the food of a higher order
-and above all to the purity of impressions, the most important food of man.

This is why I stand against geoengineering, mandatory vaccines, genetic modification, direct energy weapons used to target civilians and extract electricity from their bodies, a WI-FI grid around the planet that lowers the level of human consciousness, human robotization, artificial intelligence implanted in the body through sensors, all this prevents the biological communication of man with the universe.
We are equipped with the most perfect immune system and the most sophisticated biological computer in the universe, able to communicate with the ABSOLUTE, while we invest trillions of dollars in artificial intelligence, in the digitization of humanity, and devastate the entire planet.
Censorship of the mainstream media has reached such a level that it is worse than under socialism and Mr. Julian Assange is to be extradited to the courts of the United States of America on charges that appear to be directed at me.

Honorable Courts of both Powers, there is no threat to your nations, only to the iron order of the materialistic age, which needs to be transformed into a higher order, where human consciousness takes control of matter.
This process requires new laws on a planetary scale, not a 100-year-old espionage law.
Please release Mr. Julian Assange.
Address the accusations to me.

Yours faithfully,

D. Palmerova

“Zdravý rozum”

Některé myšlenky potřebují rezonovat, jako například ta o zdravém rozumu, jenž většinou souvisí s životní praxí, která člověka přivádí k ‘matce věd – filosofii’.
Dokud bude věda v souladu se zdravým rozumem, pak se nemůže postavit proti nám a je všechno v pořádku. Pokud však začneme mít pocit, že věda jedná v rozporu se zdravým rozumem, musíme se přiklonit na stranu zdravého rozumu a ne na stranu vědy.
dr. Zdeněk Rejdák z knihy Pan páter Ferda

Rapes in prisons – a global human rights crisis :
There is certainly no doubt that with the available directed energy technologies (used illegally on targeted people) the rapists could be stopped overnight. They are not, so one could say it must be the intentional policy of the governments as an additional, sadistic form of dominance. “No matter what crime someone may have committed, rape is not part of the penalty”.
How many people actually realize that prisons are powerful generators of negative emotions, namely hatred that is reflected or projected back to the whole of humanity? And let’s not forget that the mentioned numbers do not include millions of remotely conducted electronic rapes worldwide that have become a sports game for respected, morally spotless citizens. Our usage of the most powerful force in the entire Universe demonstrates precisely the level of consciousness we have at the present.
I wonder if there is a comparative study from prisons, where spiritual programs like Gangaji Foundation offers have been used:
“I have met with men who are doing life in Folsom Prison, and watched them weep in the fulfillment of their own heart.” – Gangaji
We live in 21. century, not in the dark ages….

Připomínky k mezinárodní smlouvě proti pandemii zasílatelné do 22.4.

Geopolitické názory z vrb jsou dobré pro okurkové sezóny, ale ne v době, kdy se řeší praktické otázky budoucnosti lidstva. Jednou z nich je mezinárodní smlouva o boji proti pandemiím, jejíž projednávání je na programu Světové zdravotnické organizace. Do 22.4. je možné posílat připomínky, které budou o měsíc později předány všem 194 členským státům. Jaké připomínky podala Česká republika? Vědí občané, že například uznávání občanství některých evropských států jsou vázáno na očkování proti covidu?
Vědí, že v momentě odhlasování smlouvy se vláda České republiky, volená lidem, zavazuje k mezinárodně platné právní dohodě o částečném předání suverénní státní pravomoci nadnárodní organizaci, nevolené lidem, jež bude mít nad nimi kontrolu a případné nedodržení jejích pokynů se stane právně/ekonomicky/politicky vymahatelné?
Covid19 pandemie nastínila velmi dobře mnohá úskalí, ale nejhorším krokům snad zabránily naše soudy. Mezinárodní smlouva takovou možnost vyloučí.
Zároveň je třeba si uvědomit, že se pandemickou smlouvou otevírají dveře k digitálnímu společenskému kreditnímu systému, ve kterém budou veškeré informace o občanech ( zdravotní, majetkové, občanské i privátní) shromažďovány centrálně mimo území našeho státu. To je zcela evidentní z mého případu, pouze velmi naivní člověk by si mohl myslet, že jsem výjimkou.
Postrádám zde relevantnost nesnášenlivosti západu s východem. Východ digitalizuje západ na jeho vlastní objednávku. My vyrábíme D.e.w na východ, který je používá na nás. Jaký je rozdíl v podstatě?
Jak se staví k pandemické smlouvě selský rozum? Nevstupujme do ní, zní ze všech zemí.
Ale selského rozumu je dnes méně než šafránu. Nahradil ho virtuální.

Countries of the World Health Organization have mapped out how negotiations on a global accord on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response will move forward with a view to presenting a draft accord for approval by the World Health Assembly in May 2024.

Ending Thursday, discussions on the draft pandemic accord took place during the fifth meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), which includes WHO’s 194 countries.

Ms Precious Matsoso, Co-Chair of the INB Bureau, from South Africa, said: “Countries from all parts of the world were able to discuss their ideas, concerns and suggestions in a forum for all countries to hear and consider.”

Countries agreed to keep a window open for additional written proposals until 22 April and that those proposals will be compiled with all others made over recent weeks into a package that will be made available to all drafting group participants.

The INB Bureau will then provide, by 22 May, in addition to this package, for consideration of the Drafting Group, a Bureau’s Text, including options where feasible, based on all submissions received and included in the compilation document.

The Drafting Group of the INB will then meet in June to continue negotiations.

INB Bureau Co-Chair, Mr Roland Driece of the Netherlands, said: “The world realises that what we want and need to achieve is an accord that will help us not to repeat the mistakes of the COVID-19 pandemic response. There are many proposals and constructive suggestions on the table for how to do this.”

According to the process agreed by governments at a special session of the World Health Assembly in late 2021, negotiations on the draft pandemic accord will aim to produce a final draft for consideration by the 77th World Health Assembly in May 2024.

Respekt přirozený

člověk získává objektivitou svého posuzování a když má být jeho navigace lodičky plynulá, aby nepropadal mořské nemoci již na řece, tak zjistí, že musí znát nejen pohyb vodních proudů, ale i znalost krajiny kvůli vanoucím větrům, před kterými je lodička chráněna skalami nebo údolími, ale ne již rovinami.
Myšlenka větrolamů je stará jako Metuzalém, ty přírodní si pamatuji z dětství, i s nouzovým přistáním plachtícího čmeláka vedle nich. Vítr jako skály nezastaví, protože jsou nekompaktní a ohebné, ale lámou ho aniž by se samy zlomily.
A tak všechny tyto aspekty je třeba brát v úvahu, než si člověk vyslouží opravdový respekt z řízení své lodičky.

G20 health agenda in India?,

We in the West are looking at you as the traditional “land of pearls bearers” and count on your support in trying to bring sanity back to this ill-fated planet. The wisdom of the Holy Science of Swami Sri Yukteswar that Paramahansa Yogananda introduced to the west 100 years ago clearly demonstrates that human well-being and health do not depend at all on any digital technology, farmaceuticals, or gene-editing. So why do you bring our “deadly gifts” to your South instead of keeping at least some part of the world uncontaminated? The pandemic treaty, taking its form right now in Who is the first step in the process of transferring the sovereignty of all participating states to a supranational entity with legal binding. During the Covid19 pandemic, the courts’ decisions in different countries were able to reverse the political orders in favour of citizens. With the Pandemic Treaty, it will not be possible. Look at the severe consequences of covid19 vaccines/inoculations, available to us from the given statistics and we do not know yet the long-term after-effects.
When living in accordance with the objective laws of the universe that your ancestors mapped so well for humanity, man can peacefully cohabit even with plaque or cholera, say the scripts.
We need your Vedas to come forward to help the Bible and firmly insist on revealing the scientifically proven facts to the public. Faith cannot be forced on anyone but the scientific explanation of how for instance a Master can be in two different places at once should be a part of the general knowledge of humanity in the age of subatomic particles or dwapara yuga age, where quantum physics has already proved such phenomenon in its field.

Again. Intelligence of matter according to the 4th Way

“is determined by the creature for whom it can serve as food and the creature that can serve as food for him.”+
The Universe is built as a self-supporting system based on the principle of reciprocal maintenance, not reciprocal destruction.
For whom serves artificial intelligence as the food in the food diagram?
The system also informs us that no man can create anything on a higher level (more intelligent) than he/it is. If we take it hypothetically as correct (derived from all so far already verified hypotheses of the given system), we could assume, with a very high probability of being correct that artificial intelligence cannot surpass the intelligence of man 1.0. But it can destroy him.
And we still have not answered to ourselves who created us. Perhaps we are waiting for black smokers to tell us….

+ P….D.Ouspensky ISOM chapter 16

Otevřený dopis panu rektorovi

Vážený pane rektore,

z historie je celkem patrné, jak bouřlivě lidstvo reaguje na nejnepatrnější výkyvy v zaběhnutém způsobu myšlení, nejprve zesměšňováním, potom silným protestem a až čas dotvoří celou mozaiku nových historických epoch.
Není žádných pochyb, že žijeme v historicky přelomovém věku poznání světa jevově materialistického a objevování světa za ním skrytého, nám smysly nevnímaného, který ten materialistický aktivuje.
Já jsem při svém pravda spíš příležitostném studiu VŠE poznala pana Marxe jen ze skript, ale mnohem později v životě mi byl dán dar proniknout do jeho filozofického dilema: co je primární, vědomí či bytí? A tady leží kámen úrazu všech současných dramat na naší planetě a ekonomika je jen jednou z jeho manifestací. Pan děkan Ševčík má dost svědomí na to, aby odmítal hrát nekonečná cirkusová představení ve světové manéži, kde šašci vytvářejí zkazky o císaři pro pobavení audience a kde virtuální rozbušky jako zázrakem generují v lidských tělech energie a přeměňují je se souhlasem věhlasných ekonomů a právníků v kryptoměny.
Co někdy působí dočasně jako ostuda se nemusí, ale mnohdy může přeměnit ve svůj pravý opak a rozpoznat takový případ a odolat davové psychóze v mezidobí je součástí top pozic lidské existence.
Vy jednu z nich zastáváte a Vaše rozhodnutí přejde do historie školy. Nechť je v duchu “tříbení názorů, jak by tomu na svobodné akademické půdě mělo být”.

Dagmar Palmerová

Kundalini kundabuffer

Motto: Sex vs (self)remembering

I come from a land of fairytales where one pony fights 6, 9, and 12-headed dragons and wins the battle. My pony with St. George is the 4th Way and the 4th way is explaining, that kundalini is basically the kundabuffer that keeps humanity asleep. I verified that beyond doubt so whoever is telling you that sex is a way to heaven is utterly misleading you and either he does it on purpose to really keep you asleep so that he can manipulate you in whatever way he wants, while at the same time, he harvests that energy from your energy accumulators through the intimate organs and makes trillions of dollars into his pockets; or alternatively, he does not understand the difference between sex and sexual energy and thinks that he is actually helping you to grow the wings of your soul (has not heard about Icarus). If that were the truth, the earth would be vacant by now, after the last 14 years of 24/7 planetary bordel on wheels of yours. The mentioned energy is of the finest, quickest qualities, legitimately available either for creation of one’s soul if used for self-remembering, or for procreation of the species if used in sex. They exclude each other, verify that for yourselves. The psyop used on me demonstrates that well. As soon as I remember myself and want to go deeper, withing 10 seconds sentization is switched on and I have to get up and walk.
Why do you think there was celibacy imposed voluntarily on practitioners of the Christian faith?
The same knowledge you find one way or another in every religion on earth….
So who is going to stop this utter disgrace of humanness? It is far far far far more dangerous than your proxy war in Ukraine. Your adversary in this business is not Russia but OUR CREATOR HIMSELF. You are shamelessly stealing His property.
Of His Army General I would be afraid indeed.

Motto: Sex vs (self)remembering

I come from a land of fairytales where one pony fights 6, 9, and 12-headed dragons and wins the battle. My pony with St. George is the 4th Way and the 4th way is explaining, that kundalini is basically the kundabuffer that keeps humanity asleep. I verified that beyond doubt so whoever is telling you that sex is a way to heaven is utterly misleading you and either he does it on purpose to really keep you asleep so that he can manipulate you in whatever way he wants, while at the same time, he harvests that energy from your energy accumulators through the intimate organs and makes trillions of dollars into his pockets; or alternatively, he does not understand the difference between sex and sexual energy and thinks that he is actually helping you to grow the wings of your soul (has not heard about Icarus). If that were the truth, the earth would be vacant by now, after the last 14 years of 24/7 planetary bordel on wheels of yours. The mentioned energy is of the finest, quickest qualities available to humanity, legitimately deployable either for the creation of one’s soul if used for self-remembering, or for the procreation of the species if used in sex. They exclude each other, verify that for yourselves. The psyop used on me demonstrates that well. As soon as I remember myself and want to go deeper, within 10 seconds sensitization is switched on and I have to stop, get up and walk.
Why do you think there was celibacy imposed voluntarily on practitioners of the Christian faith?
The same knowledge you find one way or another in every religion on earth…

So who is going to stop this utter disgrace of humanness? It is far far far far more dangerous than your proxy war in Ukraine. Your adversary in this business is not Russia but OUR CREATOR HIMSELF. You are shamelessly stealing His property.
Of His Army General I would be afraid indeed.

Unlocking the brain locking the heart

Someone mentioned that brain implants could ultimately go beyond prosthetic rehabilitation and completely transform how humans communicate. Speaking to a TED audience, it was said that people may one day be allowed to “throw” their emotions so others can feel what they’re feeling, and “the full potential of the brain would then be unlocked.”
Who would want that if knowing that impressions are the most important food for humans? Such people protect themselves from being exposed to foreign emotions as their own are enough to fight with. But it is increasingly more difficult to do that because contemporary culture indulges in scandals, sex, negative emotions, and fights of all kinds. People demand it. And now we have the techno/biological means to experience someone else’s emotions and being. In such conditions.
The rape of the body is something we are accustomed to after millennia of practice. We even do not consider it a crime anymore. On the contrary. We participate in electronic gang rapes and celebrate each rape with fireworks. At least here in Prague, we do. But now humanity moved to the next stage of raping its own minds and souls. My brain was forcefully implanted so I am speaking from my own experience, not like neurologists or neuroscientists who illegally, without consent use us humans as animals for such research.
Yes, there might be a positive medical outcome for certain people under certain conditions. But it must be understood that everyone loses their privacy and someone else enters into their inner life and interferes with it.
I could imagine that many people are anxious to have such an opportunity for themselves. But it is like a life with an unknown stranger. First, they have to learn how it thinks, how it reacts, and how it punishes for what and when. Whoever creates such psyop programs he/she imprints their level of being into it and the user’s mind is determined by it If the level of being is higher, the user can perhaps benefit in some ways if he is meant to be benefited. In the opposite case, one has to be prepared for much suffering of his ego that will be outraged by clashes of different understandings and interpretations of the same facts. One’s thoughts get stolen even before they formulate themselves in the mind and dissected to the thinnest thread. One can never be sure if they actually come naturally. Under normal conditions human thinking proceeds from the associations but now there come thoughts out of nowhere. On the contrary, one’s own thinking gets blocked and it takes 2 hours to write 3 sentences that end up in the recycle bin. The experimentation is constantly running and every external situation is exploited for getting very strong emotional responses from the user. After a while, one can be very sure of gaining Pavlov’s reflexes and endless depth of humiliation. If anyone wishes that, fine, but I would not recommend it to any adversary let alone a friend.
If anyone prefers to communicate with GOD instead, it would be wise to move as far as possible from the West and as close as possible to the centers of spirituality, into the realm of higher vibrations of consciousness.
Would we want to go back to our animalistic nature? To unlock our cannibalistic potential? The murderous past that we hopefully overcame? Our hatred and all negative emotions have been the highest barrier between us and Heavens. So the question really is do we need to unlock the brain at the stage where we cannot handle even the open truth of this life?
Iron and clay are of such a different nature that they do not mix, one does not have to be religious to understand that. Nature created us as self-developing organisms that can experience everything naturally. Through practicing esoteric knowledge, we can learn telepathy and tap into a reality beyond our dimension that is not accessible to artificial intelligence and never will be by the nature of creation. And by merging ourselves with ai we will prevent such development within ourselves. Those exoteric guys do not really understand what is at stake. We are here to learn how the end of the Ray of Creation works, how our level of consciousness influences the outcome of our actions and reactions, how to increase consciousness, and mainly how to sustain it. But so far we have not even realized yet what it means to be conscious, despite of using this word as never before. For medical doctors consciousness is still a function of biochemistry I heard yesterday. That corresponds with their OBE diagnoses as paranoid schizophrenia and delusions. No wonder we cannot stop the most obvious crimes against humanity that humanity itself is committing 24/7 on its brothers and sisters by tormenting them with directed energy weapons called smartphones for pleasure or business.
How is it possible? Because directed energies are invisible and remotely operated, so their existence is officially questioned and therefore paradoxically legal.
Their effects on human bodies are called Havana syndromes or Sudeck syndromes in medical and media jargon. And that is just a part of the energy saga. The whole planet is exposed to a live exercise, an experiment, where humans, animals, and plants are exposed to different levels of physiological, psychological,and psychic manipulation and suffering. Could it be done in order to find out, how much energy is generated by it? How much of this energy needs Nature to sustain life of all that needs to be sustained and how much of it can be used as a renewable source of energy?
Regarding the latter- only an exoteric mind could come up with such an idea, originating from misunderstood esoteric knowledge. Father forgive them, they do not know what they are doing.

But one knows and he is sinning against the HOLY SPIRIT.

….a nebyla placatost ‘země’ ať už politicky či vědecky vždycky akademickým názorem

dokud filozofové byli opravdovými filozofy?
Až když zaměnili své dějinně slavné učitele za opice, tak ztratili svou vůdčí historickou roli a byli odsunuti na vedlejší kolej. Teď slouží za 30 kousků mědi golemovi.

Uznávám, že jsem ten nejnaivnější idiot pod sluncem

Když jsem se o čerpání elektřiny z lidských těl zmiňovala coby nono před pár lety, brala jsem to jako vysvětlení lidem, že se připravují o to nejcennější, co ve svém životě mají. Nenapadlo mě, že byste si z toho vytvořili lukrativní světový byznys s požehnáním mr. global. Pro případ, že mluvíme o tepelných čerpadlech a máme na mysli lidská těla, upozorňuji, že jste se dali na cestu rychlé degradace lidstva a “šok” bude adekvátní, protože zcela ignorujete existenci nejzákladnějších objektivních zákonů Univerzu. Jak by řekl filosof – “trapní polo-inteligenti”.

Hello beautiful Sydney,

The case of Mr. Julian Assange most likely will not be dealt with separately from my case, unfortunately, and my case will not be dealt with separately from the planetary war of consciousness vs unconsciousness.
The mainstream media are not allowed to tell the truth and even you have to use the symbols for certain issues, and not everyone knows everything, and not everyone understands all symbols that have been used and dealt with, thus we have this confusion of tongues of so many different opinions in every field of human activity, that our forces get fragmented. Even within the same camp of people who really work hard to bring the long-awaited change that is ahead of us. There is a reason for that, psychological warfare is used on all of us to delay, deny, deceive, divide, and … and we react, that‘s human.
I see it every day in myself as well as on social sites, how a psychological trick of Mr. Gurdjieff described in Fritz Peters‘s book has been used over and over again on us.

I do not want to mention the human rights issues, you are all doing wonderful work on this, but there is a need to upgrade our thinking that would correspond with the degree of science that is available to us. So far we are using it to rape Nature, to rape ourselves, to torture our bodies physiologically, psychologically, and psychically, and all that legally, because we have no laws that would prohibit it. Or at least I do not see any, I only hear targeted people testify about continuous tortures.
When walking down the streets I see people with swollen legs or obese bodies that seem to be just part of our new advances in medicine as I have never seen anything like that when I was their age.
And we even use scientific advances for harvesting human energy, that energy which our ancestors used for the creation of the higher spiritual bodies and we are so smartly enlightened that we use electronic rape to charge our cars with it, and think that by raping our fellow human beings we create our spiritual bodies.

New thinking needs to be introduced to the world and Australia with its spiritual ancestors is at least geographically one of the leading forces on the planet.
Perhaps even its politicians might realize it after 14 years and let the higher mind govern the path of man.

Dagmar Palmerova

Zamyšlení nad Synodem v Praze

“Rozkolnictví a dílčí zájmy” jsou hlavním rysem všech současných problémů naší planety a téměř se zdá, že je tomu tak záměrně, protože polarizováním názorů se vybíjí energie, které je zapotřebí k jakékoli změně a tak pokračujeme ve vyjetých kolejích, jež ústí do slepé ulice.
Kdo by si s tím měl poradit lépe než věřící v BOHA? A přesto existuje mezi jednotlivými náboženstvími a duchovními cestami tolik řevnivosti, že velká část společnosti hledá jiné, nové formy duchovní orientace.
Ale všichni bez rozdílu stojíme před otázkou, kam jako lidstvo směřujeme a jak velká část lidstva tím směrem chce opravdu jít?
Cesta nesporného rozvoje lidského intelektu se odráží ve vědeckém pokroku a jeho materiální aplikace určuje směr cesty, kterou se lidstvo ubírá, aniž by se ho někdo ptal.
A ta je popsána Danielem ve Starém zákonu i Janem ve Zjeveních, takže setrvávat na ní se nezdá zrovna nejrozumnější. Ale přetransformovat dnešní vše zahrnující, transhumanitní, industriální komplex planetárního rozsahu, kterým je lidstvo již natolik zhypnotizováno, že by se ho ani nechtělo vzdát se zdá téměř nemožné.
Rozhodně ne bez BOHA. Ale jak ho zpřístupnit veřejně atheistické společnosti tak, aby ho přijala?

Běžné sekulární pojetí BOHA neodpovídá stupni současného vědeckého poznání. Externí svět vnímaný smysly jsme již dávno prozkoumali do nejmenších detailů, nyní objevujeme svět za ním skrytý, který ho ovládá.
Došlo tedy k paradoxu, kdy věda již může podat vědecký důkaz o existenci BOHA, ale tají ho, protože se její poznatky využívají i zneužívají pro mocenské, geopolitické cíle, což je příčinou většiny současných dramat.
Příkladem je používání elektromagnetického, mikrovlnného, ultrasonického či jiného záření k nezákonné experimentaci a manipulaci s lidskými těly, jejich mučení a čerpání jejich energie pro monetární účely, které se skrývá za symboly dnešních válečných konfliktů a přes všechny dlouholeté protesty zastánců lidských práv nejsme schopni tomu zabránit. Naopak novináře, kteří se postaví k celosvětovým problémům čelem zavíráme do vězení. Můžeme tedy jako Západní společnost mluvit o křesťanství?
Velmi si uvědomuji sílu modlitby a vím, že bez Vás všech věřících, kteří ji praktikujete by již dávno došlo k ještě větším tragédiím než těm, se kterými se potýkáme.
Jako ‘univerzální’ občanka jsem přemýšlela, proč se všechny církve, náboženství a esoterické školy nespojí do jednoho hlasu (zahrnují 80% lidstva) a nedožadují se v nastupující době transhumanismu na půdě OSN vědeckých důkazů o Bohu. Sama Svatá písma nám je přímo i nepřímo předkládají, jen k nim věřící musí mít klíče a potom by museli vědci v konfrontaci s věřícími přiznat pravdu. Ve veřejných diskusích ale k takovým konfrontacím nedochází, proč ne? Nezaslouží si lidstvo znát konečně pravdu o svém neopičím původu?
Odložily by se tak stranou všechny odlišnosti mezi náboženstvími a politické mocnosti by si musely uvědomit, že nejsou absolutními vládci platety, ale pouze jejími lidem volenými správci.
Lidé by si s vědeckým zdůvodněním uvědomili objektivně zákonnou, příčinnou souvislost mezi svým jednáním a tím, co je v životě potkává a začali by se opravdově zajímat o pojetí BOHA ne z hlediska víry, ale z vědeckého pohledu, který by je zpětně přivedl ke skutečné víře na základě faktických informací.
A tady potom existuje široká škála cest, kterými je možné Boží mystérie přiblížovat. Mezi prvními je na snadě sakrální umění, jak je patrné ze všech náboženství světa. Téměř každá časová epocha za sebou zanechávala duchovní poselství pro další generace ve formě filosofie, architektury a uměleckých děl.
My za sebou zanecháváme jen hory plastického a kovového odpadu a matematické vzorce k syntetické replice živých i neživých originálů. Prach jsi a v prach se obrátíš.
Když éry, nebylo by jen logické přijít s novými renesancemi z druhé mozkové hemisféry na poli duchovním a uměleckém?

Katastrofické předpovědi Zjevení se nemusejí všechny vyplnit jenom proto, že byly předpovězeny. Jonášův příběh i Abrahamův rozhovor s Bohem o deseti dobrých lidech ukazují, že Bůh dává lidem příležitost a když zkorigují své jednání v souladu s Jeho zákony, odpuštění je s milostí uděleno. Podstata Nového zákona. Pouze v opačném případě Starý zákon příčiny a efektu proběhne podle předpovědi.
Můj mnohdy šokující životní příběh je toho také důkazem a le zároveň svědectvím, že ne všechny motivy pasáží ve Zjeveních jsou korektně pojaty.
V momentě, kdy Západní demokracie vezme zpět na vědomí Jeho existenci, geopolitické rozpory se budou řešit diplomaticky, ne válkami.
Nechť v tom všichni věřící hrají svou aktivní úlohu, která jim bezesporu patří. Zastávají se I hříšníků v okamžicích kdy to potřebují nejvíc.

Global risks

That is an approximate characterization of the current planetary situation that was predicted a long time ago on the basis of long-standing observations of realistic human behaviour.
One can expect the standard means and procedures that will be used to deal with the consequences. Not a single word turns our attention to the causes of all this mess. Standard procedures have standard characteristics and standard collateral damages.
There are safer, non-standard ways of dealing with the causes but they are unfamiliar and require first new knowledge and understanding. So far, that has been denied to the public therefore one can hardly disbelieve that the top planetary management does not want to deal with the causes but consequences.
Should not they be told that it is not the best idea? If we know already that not just our actions but also our thoughts and psychological behaviour have a direct impact on the processes of Nature, would not we need at least some spiritual teachers in the leading positions?
It reminds me Osho who was once explaining his position in the world. “The invisible gravitational force pulls me down and the inevitable opposite force pulls me up towards the sky”.
We have this grand web of global risks representing the gravity force pulling us down and nothing to lift us up.
“So it¨s like the weather”.


When I observe how directed energy weapons for personal use have been tuned to the smallest nerve impulses of a woman’s body, obviously meant to be sold across the whole planet for fun, apart from the biblical projections comes to my mind Burbank’s thoughts and then by association Shaw’s societal joke.

One source

To eliminate confusion as much as possible, I am firmly grounded in the 4th Way esoteric Christianity, (Haida yoga), to which I was directed through Osho’s school. and which bares close similarity with Kriya yoga. This esoteric school does not use sexual torture nor any other torture of physiological, psychological or psychic nature.
I have deep respect for all religions, esoteric schools, and systems that aim in their essence to increase human consciousness provided it is done without torture and evil practices of any kind, on the basis of mutual agreements and consent.
That is not so in my case and it is happening against my will, so the results evidently do not correspond in any direction to such a noble aim and will eventually negatively affect human society.
I am quite horrified that such practices can openly take place in the “democratic” world and not only on spiritually orientated people but on worldly people as well and blame Russia for it. Could not Washington DC understand better their fore forefathers?


Imagination is perhaps not understood in the right way. It is based on the external impressions of all possible kinds and emotional reactions to them, experienced by an individual, that can be recombined into something entirely different, regardless of the state of consciousness. And that applies to the past, present, and future lives. But there are so-called conscious dreams, that you cannot imagine as they come from beyond. For example, you cannot imagine the density of LOVE in Heavens, nor the density of hatred, present in our atmosphere, nor the density of Nothingness. That has to be experienced.

Privátní myšlenky

Nevím, jakou nebezpečnou hru všichni hrajete, ale i ten nejhorší vězeň má nejzákladnější lidská práva a k těm zjisté patří svobodně myslet, když tím nikoho neohrožujeme. To, že bylo bachařům dáno BOŽÍ privilegium je číst neznamená, že mohou vězňě psychologicky týrat, když se jim nelíbí. Vy už jste si všichni automaticky přivlastnili to, co je tak neslýchané, že proti tomu ani nebyly nikdy v minulosti vytvořeny zákony.
Radila bych vám je vytvořit, jinak se tu všichni jednoho dne zblázníte.

Greetings to G20 Interfaith Forum participants

May the grace, peace, and LOVE of the Most Holy SUN ABSOLUTE be upon you all and our tiny planet in His vast Universe.

None of you can be unaware of the planetary situation in the fields of the military, politics, science health, jurisdiction, and not least of the Earth’s ecological state. They all have a very negative impact on us and many people intuitively feel that this is a result of the battle between the forces of good and evil, taking place without as well as within us all.

The amazing scientific advances of human intellect have opened the doors to the invisible subatomic worlds of matter, hidden from our senses. That gives us the unprecedented power to create, but also destroy life on our planet and there is an urgent need to examine the intersection of the possible ways of our future existence, where we have to think which way to take and not just for this generation but for the future civilization on this planet. It cannot be decided solely by politically and technocratically superior societies because the most powerful universal force that creates and sustains life on Earth does not recognize our subjective walls or frontiers of any kind. It acts in harmony with the objective laws of Creation, while we evidently go against them and the consequences have become very obvious. Our solutions through the help of technocratic artificial intelligence seem to make things even worse because the intellectual aspect of human nature is not in balance with its emotional aspect as represented by Nature in our two brain hemispheres. And our thoroughly secular approach to science and strict separation of secular power from ecclesiastical power in the governance of a democratic world the imbalance only amplifies.

If we are to change anything in a democratic way on a global scale, be it weather returning back to the hands of Nature, creating an international legally binding agreement to use directed energies solely for peaceful purposes, not for further enslaving of humanity, or allowing genetic engineering only in accordance with the objective laws of nature as stated in the ancient esoteric science, we have to bring the Creator of all life into the minds of every citizen on this planet.

I understand that no one can force anybody to believe in GOD, but two hundred years ago we forced ourselves to believe that we came into existence by natural evolution. We humans can believe literally anything that is suggested to us as we see right now on the international political scene.

So why is there such an outcry regarding the idea of the CREATOR of the entire Universe when our science found out that every matter is just a vibration of a certain density, hence there must be a „Central reference system“ from which all vibrations originate?

Since 2003 we have had results of the publicly funded Human Genome Project that proved the subjective theory of natural evolution outdated. It gave us our exact genetic formula so we can reproduce ourselves artificially, which we of course do for very questionable purposes. How come the public has not been officially notified? Why do you not use this scientific proof of the real existence of the Creator (whoever it might be) in your arguments with the secular world?

Would you not realize that the highest degree of science, religious science, should have its place in decision-making processes of existential character on our planet at this crucial time of human history? We are pursuing dangerous, unsustainable transhumanistic aims without realizing, that incomparably better and lasting results are obtainable by religious practices.

But the secular world is very powerful, it has become a global ‘spy’, a „great accuser“ without mercy and religions need to speak one common language of science of the 21 century in order to communicate the message of the „Cosmic music“ of LOVE of the CREATOR of all existing to the masses.

We experience the Babylonian times in a reversal way, we know there is no limit to what we can do, provided it would be in accordance with the objective laws of the CREATOR. Were we not created in His image?

Two days are not long enough to solve anything but they should generate enough energy to unite you all in understanding that we stand on the unconscious road leading to death and ahead of us is a conscious road, leading to eternity.

I was told in the esoteric school that if I really understand, I cannot disagree with others. It took me a long time to understand it, but you know what needs to be changed, what is not vital, and what can be dealt with later. There is a Greek word ‘metanoia’,. It is used extensively in the Greek New Testament, we translate it as ‘repent’ but it can be understood as a new way of thinking. On my sinful path I discovered, that knowledge has been placed into every religion I came across, that each of them has its unique essence that helps to understand certain veiled symbols

in the others and vice versa. They do not contradict each other, they complement each other.

The language of the written word, art, and music used to be a powerful messenger of GOD on Earth. We learn about past civilizations through them, not through the army generals.

There has been a lot of resentment against the churches and esoteric schools, against their accumulated wealth, hidden knowledge, and secretive practices that have been misunderstood by outsiders, but the most beautiful art we cherish so much was created with their support, in the East as well as in the West.

In the 21st century, we stand before the unknown, virtual world with no conceptual framework for how to deal with it, and revival of the art of the Muses might be the easiest and the most beautiful means to melt the snowdrifts of virtual differences between religions and show us the Way.

The previous generations were explorers of the external world of creation, we are supposed to be explorers of the internal world. How could we do it without you all?

„Must we barely arrive at this beginning of us?…“ (W.W.)

We cannot obtain heavenly bliss through our strength alone,

but with the assistance of divine grace,

and man, despite all his follies and errors,

being led by a higher hand,

reaches some happy goal at last. (J.W.vG)

With the most profound respect,

D. Palmerova
Prague 12.12. 2022

To the smart:

careful no to steal veiled things in a men tal way, or
to parody them mystically, or to try to apprehend
them in an occult manner. Such a Gnosis is not
intended for you; so if you seize it nevertheless,
then it will turn out to be a heavy burden and
indigestible fare for you.”

G20 Bali Summit

16.11. 2022

Dear G20 Summit Leaders,

You all gathered in Bali this year to discuss the most problematic political and economic issues of all times that affect existentially not only the developed nations but all citizens and habitats of our planet. You could not choose a better place, that is called for its beauty the island of Gods. Not just for its beauty, but also for its cosmological system Tri Hita Karana, which advises people always to maintain a harmonious relationship between Man and God, Man and fellow humans, and between Man and Nature in one’s daily life.

Around 80% of the world population considers the Universe to be a sacred space that is governed by the objective laws of Nature and knows that disrespecting them creates individual, collective, and planetary dramas while respecting them brings heaven on earth.

Science itself leads us to this realization. It has been discovered that the whole of Nature is a biological internet, where everything living, organic and inorganic is mutually connected and constantly interacting with the entire universe through the solar GPS within our planet.

The sages of the east and the west have been using such communication since ancient times.

The question arises why do we invest trillions of dollars into the smart artificial technologies that lead humanity on the path of physiological, mental, and spiritual slavery and have negative health effects on the Natural environment as well as on people when there are fully natural ways, opening to us new, unimaginably better realms of cosmic dimensions?

We are not the first civilization to be in such a position. The scriptures of the East as well as the West explicitly advice us not to go that way. My case should serve as the biggest warning to all humanity, but just the opposite seems to be true.

The current global theatre with lies and symbols replacing the prohibited truths prevents you all from reaching any agreement on anything except your position on Russia.

Yet Russia/Ukraine issue is in reality almost exclusively the US and Nato problem.

Human trafficking is an excellent example of what it means when there are no laws in the West that would admit and prohibit the use of smart directed energy technologies on people.

I deeply regret that my frequent reminding of the necessity to prohibit their wide application through personal smart technologies goes unnoticed despite the horrendous effects it has on human bodies..

Perhaps society needs to see the karmic laws manifesting themselves first before we decide to act on them.

Many of you have stopped on your way to Bali in Egypt at the current Cop 27. Traditionally none of the participants is allowed to talk about the fact that fossil fuels however strong pollutants they may be do not cause climate change. The military’s directed energy manipulations and weather geoengineering in the atmosphere do.

We took the weather control of the entire planet from Nature’s hands and turned its natural processes into weapons against ourselves and call their military, political, economic, and social exploitation as climate change.

This is a subject that constantly divides the opinions of scientists as well as the public for several reasons so that nothing can be really solved as we see every year.

A simple revelation of an ancient secret that the planets have the suns within themselves would bring human intelligence to the discussion with all participating parties, mainly the United States and Russia. Russia I believe is ready to present it to the world, but the US is not. Perhaps because that ancient secret contains within itself yet another esoteric concealment, the Most Holy SUN ABSOLUTE of which all religions, esoteric schools, and fairytales of the world speak about.
It is not a myth, it is the real Highest place in Heaven, from where the Ray of Creation originates and every human being on this planet without exception should know that it is our true home to where we all return back one day. I would not dare to speak about it were it not to shake up the world from its hypnoses and make people realize that the so-called opium of humanity is a very poor substitute for happiness and LOVE of our Creator up in Heaven.

There are precise scientific explanations of how to get there to be able to verify what I have personally witnessed. With an absolutely clear conscience, I am convinced that humanity has to be introduced to the most basic esoteric knowledge in order to harmonize life on earth with the universal objective laws and thus install lasting peace on the planet.

It is not a utopia but a realistic vision. The 4th Way esoteric school taught me that it is a living body, that is energetically connected with the center of the Universe. Its single branches on all continents are like its body organs and each student is a living cell with a specific, unique purpose for the proper functioning of the whole organism. It was quite natural to eventually extend this concept to the whole world.

I wish you consider such a concept if only as an experiment in the beautiful vibrations of Bali and bring it back to your countries as an inspiration for dealing with the seemingly unsurmountable tasks of your worldly positions.

Yours faithfully

Dagmar Palmerová

Moje babička

říkávala “nesuďte abyste nebyli souzeni”. Když si to kvůli okolnostem a tlaku veřejnosti nemůžeme odpustit, alespoň bychom měli adresovat své soudy na hlavy “těch, které soudíme”, ne na zástupné symboly jiných, veřejně činných lidí a především ne hlav států. Jinak vstupujeme do oblasti křivých svědectví, což potom může vést k jaderným válečným konfliktům.
A to se netýká jen subjektivních soudů osob, ale i kolektivních procesů jako řízení počasí pod názvem klimatické změny. Za takových podmínek je naprosto vyloučené se vzájemně domluvit,, jak je názorně demonstrováno na historii Conference of the parties (Cop) od roku 1995.
Praktický příklad- když chcete soudit mě, používejte jméno Dagmar Palmerová. Potom bude vše všem jasné a nemůže dojít k mýlce a obviňování nevinných lidí. Pokud je používání mého jména zakázáno Spojenými státy americkými a 5 Eyes, což může být odůvodněno pouze podezřením z nebo důkazy o terorismu, použijte tento dlouhý popis: osoba, kterou nesmíme jmenovat kvůli podezření z terorismu pod stanným právem vojenských anglo-saských uskupení.

This is so absurd. For the last 200 hundred years we have been willing to put up basically with every stupidity, haven’t we?

I found this on one book website when looking for info about the herbs:

What the EU has banned us from
According to the current EU legislation for herbs and herbal products, we may not provide more detailed information that could give us the impression of a health or healing effect of the herbs – even though those herbs have been used for hundreds of years and have helped millions of people. We are no longer allowed to mention even the effects of herbs proven by scientific research unless it is a drug registered by a pharmaceutical company.

Kvalita nad kvantitou

Naprosto klasická ukázka toho, jak fungovala Babylonská věž. Po 13 letech bych očekávala, že přinejmenším ta nejzákladnější informace z podstatných se dostane do všeobecného podvědomí světa včetně té části, která “runs the show”. Ne. Naivita solárů. Je to opice a vybledlá vlajka.
První krok, který mě napadá, když čtu o vojenských průmyslových komplexech, vládnoucích celému světu by byl, že bych si nechala vyčíslit přibližnou cenu planetárního řízení počasí. To znamená letadla 24/7, letce, letištní zabezpečení, mzdy personálu, ceny substancí, které jsou vypouštěny do ovzduší (chemtrails/geoengineering) a pohonné hmoty letadel, které jsou k tomu potřeba. Zejména pohonné hmoty, které bych potom srovnala se spotřebou domácností a pozemních průmyslů. Určitě budeme mluvit v triliónech dolarů, které by nám byly k dispozici, kdybychom přenechali řízení počasí opět planetě, dokud si nevšimneme, že ho vlastně řídíme sami svým psychologickým chováním. V ten moment by skončily klimatické změny jako takové. Devastující škody, které musíme platit formou stále dražších pojištění by se zajisté zredukovaly, banky by snížily svá rizika a ceny energií pro domácnosti a průmysl by se mohly stabilizovat. V ten moment by bylo možné předstoupit před lidstvo a začít mu konečně vědecky vysvětlovat, v jaké jsme pozici, že nám bylo z vyšších instancí vesmíru sděleno, že naše expansivní existence až donedávna ohrožovala pouze nás, takže jsme byli zanecháváni svému osudu podle objektivní spravedlnosti – tedy válkám a míru. Ale s rozvojem intelektu jsme odhalili subatomický svět, který animuje materialistické formy Universu a bez pochopení jeho existence a pravého účelu jsme se stali nebezpečnými nejen sami sobě a celé planetě, ale i naší sluneční soustavě a dokonce celému Paprsku stvoření. A bylo nám řečeno, že planeta se dostala vývojově do vyššího řádu, který vyžaduje vyšší stupeň vědomí člověka a naše materialistické myšlení způsobuje, že příroda musí nahrazovat kvalitu kvantitou, aby pokryla nové požadavky Sluneční soustavy. Očekávají od nás změnu po dobrém. Ale problém tkví v tom, že v celém Universu je vše vyvážené, tedy i kvantita s kvalitou. A zcela bez obalu řečeno, když od nás příroda potřebuje určitý druh potravy pro Paprsek stvoření a my ho neumíme poskytnout kvalitou vedení svého života, tak si ho vezme kvantitativně zvýšením počtu lidí v koloběhu života a smrti. Tady ovšem leží další háček. Od nás už se nechce kvantita, ale kvalita. Ne smrt, ale vědomý život. A my jako lidstvo jsme mašina na kvantitu. V rukou supervelmoci, která chce vládnout železnou rukou, aniž by si uvědomila, že jsme sice materialisticky ze železa venku, ale ne myšlením. Psychologicky jsme stále v době temna, jak je zcela evidentní.
Kdo začne lidem vysvětlovat, jak změnit kvantitu na kvalitu?
Snížit spotřebu energie zvýšením životních nákladů a sehrát kvůli tomu černé vojensko-geopolitické divadlo s death rays se mi nezdá jako nejosvícenější způsob dát lidem najevo, že je beru jako ovce k večeři.
Pro začátek všem, kdo v politice a militaristickém světě na toto téma tápají:

První usilování: „Mít ve své běžné bytostné existenci vše uspokojující a skutečně nezbytné pro jejich planetární tělo.“

Druhé usilování: „Mít neustálou a neutuchající instinktivní potřebu sebezdokonalování ve smyslu bytí.“

Třetí usilování: „Vědomá snaha poznávat stále více a více o zákonech stvoření světa a spravování světa.“

Čtvrté usilování: „Snaha od počátku jejich existence zaplatit za svůj vznik a svou individualitu co nejrychleji, aby poté mohli co nejvíce zmírnit Smutek našeho společného otce.“

Páté usilování: „Snaha vždy napomáhat co nejrychlejšímu zdokonalování ostatních bytostí, jak těch, které jsou nám podobné, tak bytostí jiných forem, až do stupně posvátné Martfotai, tedy až do stupně sebeindividuálnosti.“ upravený Google překlad z anglického originálu G.I.Gurdjieff

Five obligonian strivings:
First Striving: “To have in their ordinary being-existence everything satisfying and really necessary for their planetary body.”
Second Striving: “To have a constant and unflagging instinctive need for self-perfection in the sense of being.”
Third Striving: “The conscious striving to know ever more and more concerning the laws of World-creation and World-maintenance.”
Fourth Striving: “The striving from the beginning of their existence to pay for their arising and their individuality as quickly possible, in order afterwards to be free to lighten as much as possible the Sorrow of our Common Father.”
Fifth Striving: “The striving always to assist the most rapid perfecting of other beings, both those similar to oneself and those of other forms, up to the degree of the sacred Martfotai, that is, up to the degree of self-individuality.”

22th World Congress of Psychiatry 3-6 August 2022

In 2019 I wrote a letter to the president of WCP regarding the position of psychiatry on the phenomenon of directed energies, used in many different ways clandestinely on civilians. If the consequences do not leave visible marks, psychiatry classifies the descriptions of targeted people as schizophrenic and delusional. Since then we have progressed to admitting the Havana syndrome and the medical doctors out of sheer despair came up with many other syndromes in order to diagnose the visible consequences of directed energy weapons. Yes, we can call them weapons as they are used to inflict often very serious injuries and pains to different parts of human (and animal’s and plant’s?) bodies and cause immense suffering, not just physiological but psychological and existential in general as people concerned have no means to take care of themselves in a society that labeled them as insane and excluded them out of its circles.
There is another aspect to our new discoveries in the field of neuroscience. We realized that our bodies produce energies that get exchanged with the environment. Some economically very enlightened minds came up with an idea to collect such energies from the bodies of 7.8 billion people as a free renewable source of electricity.
This year’s theme of WCP Congress is ‘the need for empathy and action’.
I wonder what is meant by action. That such an illegal source of energy has to be legalized and taxed?
Or that we finally realize that walking concentration camps will not help us to get up to the mountain and we use human intelligence to create protection against ourselves?


Professor Helen Herrman

WPA President

Dear professor Herrman,

The upcoming World Congress of Psychiatry will bring together the most prominent academics from different parts of the world and so it is an excellent opportunity to address the topics of human experimentation and mind control. They have been officially avoided for decades and increasingly demand the attention of psychiatrists, doctors, neuroscientists and psychologists, because these very professions on the military levels have been responsible for such often illegal scientific research.

It goes back more than 120 years, when certain esoteric societies had access to the very sophisticated, high knowledge of the power of the sound vibrations (being traced back to the Wall of Jericho), with which they were able to affect any part of a human body to the point of an inflammation for instance and then heal it instantly. The knowledge was uncompromisingly guarded against its exploitation by the highest ethical and moral standards of those who possessed it. The intelligence agencies of the main superpowers eventually acquired some of it and their defense departments have developed over the century so called ‘directed energy weapons’ systems, using remotely applied hypersonic, electromagnetic, microwave or other radiation to totally control not just the global weather climate, but also physical bodies and minds of any living organisms they choose, including humans. Decades long clandestine human experimentation programs involving unwitting civilians had served as their research bases.

With the latest development of psychotronic technologies we entered into the next phase of still partially

clandestine experimentation with different states of consciousness.

To this date, the orthodox psychiatry and psychology diagnose the testimonies of such experimentation as delusional, schizophrenic, and treat the targeted people with heavy psychiatric drugs which indeed is another torture of its own. It concerns millions of people across the globe, it violates the most basic human rights and it really seems unbelievable that the orthodox medicine would not be aware of such reality. From my own experience I can confirm that there is a close cooperation between the police and psychiatric clinics.

I consider it very dangerous because due to DEW’s secrecy, its invisibility and being remotely controlled one cannot locate their source without the satellite data and no protection is available. Our ethical and moral standards vary extensively so a considerable amount of people cannot resist the opportunity to satiate their primitive drives by electronic hunting and inflicting pain on their fellow human beings if granted free of penalty by the authorities. As the authorities do not admit their existence and neither does the medical and juridical establishment, we have a planetary situation, where crime flourishes without any legal constrains. By disbelieving and incorrect diagnoses psychiatry actually prevents jurisdiction from creating the law, which would acknowledge the existence of directed energy weapons (already subjects to global trade) and protect civilians at least legally against their misuse. Psychotronic technologies have already entered the public sector in the form of mind reading machines as for instance Facebook already announced and millions of Chinese, being subjected to social credit system, only support the concerns that humanity has not been on the most enlightened path. Professor, you must acknowledge that under such circumstances it is absolutely unacceptable for WPA not to react in a proactive way.

There has been an enormous amount of suffering created by this unfortunate exploitation of human mind, lives of many doctors, scientists, government’s employees and activists have been destroyed when trying to stop this utter misuse of the natural capacity of mind to inquire the unknown. Traditionally it is a ‘private sphere to which no one but the owner has access’.

The theme of external mind control has to be addressed internationally by the United Nations and as the militaries and the governments obsessed by global control and usurping the science for their egoistic aims are not under the oath as your profession is, your influence should be superior.

This issue is connected with another aspect of esoteric science, which teaches that the planetary atmosphere is composed of electricity that participates in the processes of creation and maintenance of life on the earth and mental wellbeing of humanity depends on it. The extraction of electricity from the atmosphere directly affects our minds, reduces our ability to mentate and happens to be the main cause of psychotic disorders. This information was passed to us 120 years ago, around the time of Tesla’s discoveries when our atmosphere and space exploration were at the very early stages. Directed energy weapons systems surrounding our planet today consume enormous amounts of electricity. At the same time the profits from the prescriptions of the psychiatric drugs grow exponentially.

The same esoteric science explains to general humanity of the third millennium an unknown trick of different states of consciousness, which has been overlooked both by orthodox psychiatry and psychology. What we call consciousness is only its second state out of the total four. In this state we cannot remember ourselves for more than few minutes at a time. The rest of the day humanity spends in the identification with everything it does without being aware of its body at the same time, which is the characteristic of the third state of consciousness. The expressions ‘being asleep’, ‘to be or not to be’ etc. point exactly to this phenomenon.

Any sincere self-observation will prove the clear distinction between the second and third state of consciousness. If psychiatry knew about it, it could actually restore the mental balance of their patients with lasting effects without chemicals.

It also needs to discover that consciousness is not created by the brain, only resides there and can be separated from the body entirely and nowadays even artificially as some of your colleagues from defense departments will most likely know. The field of Quantum Physics clearly suggests the same.

I would like to bring your attention to the mentioned esoteric science because it is the most comprehensive Universally objective psychological system humanity has at its disposal and it proved to be correct at every step undertaken. One of its pupils a Scottish psychiatrist Dr. Maurice Nicoll published a collection of his lectures called Psychological Commentaries on Gurdjieff & Ouspensky.

In the name of all people, suffering either because of human experimentation or because they cannot cope with their life circumstances, I am passing you this information in hope that it will one day revolutionize psychiatry and psychology for their benefit and those of future generations.

Yours sincerely,

Dagmar Palmerova

Revelation 22: 18, 19

For I testify unto every man
that heareth the words of the
prophecy of this book, If any
man shall add unto these
things, God shall add unto him
the plagues that are written in
this book:

And if any man shall take
away from the words of the
book of this prophecy, God
shall take away his part out of
the book of life, and out of the
holy city, and [from] the things
which are written in this book.

Když je život jen náhoda

Dagmar Palmerová
130 00 Praha 3

14.7. 2022

Prof. PhDr. Petr Fiala
předseda vlády České republiky
Úřad vlády České republiky

nábřeží Edwarda Beneše 4
118 01 Praha 1

Vážený pane premiére,

13 let vidí celý svět v přímém přenosu, kam až dospěla věda v oblasti výzkumu subatomického světa, skrytého lidským smyslům. Můžeme dálkově ovládat veškeré fyziologické, psychologické a dokonce psychické funkce lidského těla, můžeme odčerpávat jeho energii a zcela legálně s ní obchodovat na burzách.
Na mém případu je vidět, že k tomu dochází u mnoha občanů po celém světě, bez jejich svolení, formou anonymního elektronického a psychologického týrání, ze kterého nelze odhadnout, jestli je prováděno samotnými vojenskými či výzvědnými službami, kontraktory, kteří jsou pro tuto vysloveně sadistickou činnost najímáni, výzkumnými pracovišti neurologického zaměření, mafiánskými spolky, které dostaly od obranných složek států povolení si z toho zřídit výnosné mezinárodní turistické prostituce a sportovní byznysy, nebo lokálními občany, kteří si tím zvyšují své měsíční příjmy.

Z právního hlediska jde o absurdní situaci, jejíž řešení všichni svorně oddalujete z roku na rok, vlastně již ze století na století, a tím se všichni dostáváme do kolize se zákony Přírody.

Mluvíme o jaderných energiích tohoto století, což jsou ve skutečnosti přímo řízené energie, které pan dr. Rejdák pojmenoval nadčasově jako psychotronické. Jsou dálkově ovládané, neviditelné, lze jimi doslova vypařit jakýkoliv biologický objekt včetně lidského těla, roztavit kovové objekty všech velikosti, a to bez zničujícího účinku na okolí. Nejvyšší mocnosti planety je zároveň používají k militarizaci nadplanetárního prostoru, ke globálnímu řízení počasí, k řízení atmosférických i geologických procesů s následky, které nazýváme klimatickými změnami/CO2 a dále také ke kontrole jedinců i mas (d.e.w. directed energy weapons for crowd control).
Všechny vlády o tom vědí a všechny vlády si je kupují, tedy přinejmenším některé z nich podle svých finančních možností. Jinými slovy jde o tajené přestupování lidských práv ze strany vojských sil, výzvědných služeb, policie, vědců, lékařů, soudců, politiků, obyvatelstva i médií. Kdo z Vás si uvědomuje, že v masovém měřítku tím dochází k porušování rovnováhy kosmické justice a ta bude automaticky spouštět mechanismy k jejímu vyrovnání? Není co-vid dostatečným důkazem?
Dovoluji si Vás proto žádat o adresování otázky psychotronických technologií na půdě Evropské Unie v době našeho předsednictví.
Bez ohledu na moji minulost jsme v situaci, kdy neexistují žádné zákony, které by ochránily lidstvo před jejich ničivými aplikacemi.
V širším měřítu jde o novou etapu lidstva, kdy externí život obyvatel planety je s pomocí satelitů a drónů již dokonale zmapován a nyní dochází mnohými způsoby jako např. očkováním, inokulacemi či s pomocí dálkových neurotechnologií k interní invazi lidských těl a jejich nervového systému. Čtení a ovlivňování myšlenek bylo v minulosti úzce spjato s vysoce rozvinutými duševními procesy jedinců, kteří byli vázáni etickými a morálními kodexy. Nyní lze pomocí neurotechnologií veřejně sledovat myšlenky člověka a manipulovat s nimi způsobem, který daleko přesahuje práva, udělená lidstvu jeho nejmilosrdnějším Stvořitelem. Biblické texty nám zcela jasně naznačují, jak takové situace zákonitě končí.
Jsme natolik mentálně zablokovaní, že jim nerozumíme?

Z vlastní zkušenosti vím, že mikročipy v lidských tělech jde aktivovat i deaktivovat a dočetla jsem se, že jsou ve vlastnictví vojenských uskupení jako Nato či Five Eyes. Jedinec nemá žádnou možnost k jejich odstranění, protože samotné lékařské diagnózy jejich existenci přímo nepotvrzují. Jakýmsi vodítkem mohou být jedině Havana syndromy, Sudeckovy syndromy, Covidy apod.
Bylo by zajímavé si nechat vyčíslit zdravotními pojišťovnami výše nákladů na jejich léčení a jejich další celospolečenské dopady, stejně jako u celoživotních nákladů na chronické nemoci, jež jsou způsobovány naším téměř posvátným očkováním, jak lze usuzovat z nezávislých srovnávacích studií např. Kochova institutu či přímo z laboratorních rozborů samotných vakcín.
Takže jde o 4 oblasti se společným jmenovatelem přímo řízených energií:
-dálkové ovládání lidského těla i lidské mysli i ostatních tvorů odlišných externích forem
-očkování/inokulace k dopravení senzorových, komunikačních a digitalizujících substancí do těla

– řízení počasí a přírodních procesů v atmosféře i na zemském povrchu
– militarizace atmosféry a meziplanetárního prostoru,

K jejich řešení je třeba odkrýt symboly, za kterými se skrývají, jinak budete všichni jezdit z kyota do kyota až do vyčerpání trpělivosti naší Matky Přírody. Když se účastníme světových gladiátorských her na Prométhea, neměla by to být Česká republika, která je na půdě EU odkryje?
Otázka aut přestane být aktuální, protože moje role brzy skončí a lidé nebudou mít ani na pivo.

Můj případ, který je symbolicky jako vše v současnosti spojen s chystaným vydáním pana Juliana Assange do rukou demokratické justice Spojených států je zahalen do černohnědočervených barev právě proto, že se dotýká všech zmíněných témat. Všechny mé pokusy přimět národní i mezinárodní instituce k oddělení mé minulosti od případu vydavatele a novináře, který se postavil za lidská práva tam, kde jsou nejvíce ohrožena selhaly.
Spojené státy americké nejsou vázány žádnými mezinárodními konvencemi a jejich Ústava se vztahuje pouze na americké občany, což ani jeden z nás není. Ale svoboda slova je mezinárodně uznávané právo a výsada novinářské profese. V době, kdy ji sama přestane vykonávat, zcela zákonitě se objeví někdo jako pan Julian Assange, kdo ji převezme.
A ta je nyní jeho chystanou extradikcí vážně ohrožena, stejně jako život na této planetě. Současná politická tragikomedie učinila z pravdy nepravdu a tím automaticky aktivujeme destruktivní síly Universu, které se musí vrátit do původu své aktivace.
To mě opravdu fascinuje, jak nejlepší mozky světa dovedou rozluštit přírodní i technické záhady, ale nedovedou pochopit jádro nejzákladnějších zákonů, na jejichž principu je sestrojen celý vesmír včetně nás. Druhá kapitola slunce a měsíce.
Uvažovala jsem kvůli tomu o poslání svého případu k Evropskému soudu, ale připadá mi to extrémně nesolidní obracet se na mezinárodní soudy proti své vlastní zemi, když se zdá, že jde ve skutečnosti o problémy Spojených států, schovaných za můj co vid, který koluje na naší planetě od nepaměti.
Ovšem taktéž je nepřijatelné, aby byl nevinný člověk vláčen vězeními a soudními procesy jen kvůli tomu, že se stal zastáncem lidských práv a uveřejňoval informace v zájmu společnosti.
Žádné subjektivní protišpionážní zákony nemohou zrušit objektivní nadčasový zákon akce a reakce, jak inteligentně pochopil pan James Madison. Tehdy ještě neobcházelo strašidlo opičího viru.
Nemohli bychom se tedy zapsat do dějin předsednictví Evropské unie tím, že se postavíme proti vydání pana Juliana Assange do rukou americké justice, která se v současnosti zdá být v retromódě vyznávání historického „Sedition act“?

S úctou,


(otevřený dopis)

That problem

First of all, this is a political issue. When the states face a crisis of such magnitude that shakes their foundations, they need to divert the attention of the masses away from the real issues and for that, some emotional theme is chosen. So classically, drug legalization, gender issues, abortions, and capital punishment are the favorite.
Abortions and capital punishments are the best examples of the hypocrisy of man’s mind. On one side he prohibits the cessation of life at the stage where the physiological form has not taken its full form yet and on the other, he legally premeditates the murder of one that had. The powerful military industries make fortunes by killing children and women across the whole globe.
And when a child gets born, he/she is welcome by the deadly cocktail of so many vaccines that if swallowed it would kill them. How many of them get tragically affected or sterilized by vaccines later on? The depopulation policies are so obvious on all sides of the political spectrum, that even the simplest logic comes to a conclusion, that abortion is a political matter. The religious aspect does not make sense in it either, the church is against birth control by any means except celibacy, while nature has its own processes and the results eventually turn against the church itself in the often quite unfair way.
Wanted/Unwanted pregnancy is an ancient issue that will not go away by any man’s laws. Nature with its powerful forces of attraction and repulsion will always play its dominant role here.
Generally, women do not terminate a pregnancy when they are in love, let alone in a loving relationship. Ideally, a child should be the outcome of that love between two opposite forces, that brings harmony to the world.
But the realities of life are often different and it is the girl or a woman, who bears full responsibility for something that was probably beyond her control at that moment.
If she is not ready for such responsibility, especially when she is still too young to support herself and a child emotionally, psychologically, and financially, in a disproving social environment, who has a right to judge her decision? When you prohibit abortion, she will do everything possible to terminate the pregnancy anyway. And that means you move abortions to the illegal, uncontrolled backyards, with unavoidable death cases not just for the embryo but for the pregnant girl/woman possibly as well.
In the 21st century? That is a hardly wise decision, dealing typically with consequences, not causes.
Instead of taking away the legal, controlled procedure by the hands of professionals,
why not introducing to humanity the Ray of Creation, explaining to us that we were born for specific purposes and we are under a certain number of objective laws, that need to be respected, otherwise we bring disturbances into the Universal, harmoniously created system?
Why the churches do not use their knowledge and do not confront the militaries with the scientific facts that Genesis is correct, after all those two hundred years of climbing the trees? Why do not they inform their sheep and the mainstream media about the scientific facts?
Why do doctors insist on the atheistic approach to the human body when psychiatry and psychology are literally “soul healing” disciplines?
Why are children not taught about their bodies being temples of the Holy Spirit, not belonging to them nor to any government’s institutions but to their loving CREATOR to be glorified? Why are they not informed about the rainbow as the existing covenant between HIM and them and all living creatures, why do not we teach them the most elemental knowledge of the Creation and its art and beauty, that would prepare their essences for Love to come in her multitudes so that they would not be often just wondering barks in a wild ocean?
Then that problem would mostly take care of itself…

Zemědělskou půdu v Česku vlastní tři miliony lidí. Je v moci každého z nich svůj díl ozdravit, říká expertka

“Mohu mluvit s každým člověkem, který umí udělat chléb” řekl Mr. Gurdjieff.
Myslel tím člověka, který ví, že k dosažení čehokoliv je zapotřebí lásky, touhy, myšlenky, plánu ji uskutečnit, prostředků k uskutečnění, vědění jak ji uskutečnit, překonávání překážek na cestě, objevování neznámého, získávání zkušeností až je produkt na světě.

Cesta chleba začíná právě u půdy a zrní, které pochází ze zrní originálního, od Stvořitele, jak je popsáno v prvním Mojžíšově, uzpůsobené k přežití věků i nepřízně počasí. Článek mě potěšil aktivitou mladých a jejich snahou navázat komunikaci s majiteli bohatství země. Církev samotná má jedinečnou příležitost se stát vůdčí silou v uskutečňování Genese v té nejpraktičtější rovině, kam by se lidé mohli chodit inspirovat jak materiálně, tak duševně a přiložit ruku k dílu.
Rozhodně lze přinejmenším navazovat na dávné tradice klášterních zahrad, na pradávné výuky ohledně bylinných vlastností a léčitelství, studijní pobyty, které by kombinovaly praktickou práci s půdou, s prostudováváním starých klášterních textů, obsahujících mnohdy dávno zapomenuté moudrosti našich předků. Před pár lety jsem na pár hodin pročítala jeden takový a na konci kapitoly byla přímo výslovně řečená odměna za strávený čas a zájem v podobě významu obalu kaštanu – jeho ostny slouží jako antény, kterými se nabíjí elektrickou energií z atmosféry kaštan uvnitř.
Nevím, jestli jeho moderní, geneticky modifikovaní příbuzní tuto schopnost již neztratili, ale i to může být předmětem výzkumů….hlavně je třeba co nejdříve objevit mechanismy, kterými budete schopni detekovat aktivní substance , o jejichž existenci ještě nevíte, ale které jsou známy esoterickým školám…
Ohromná budoucnost se otvírá přímo před vašima očima!!!!

Na konec ještě ta omílaná připomínka o koloběhu přírody a vzájemné podpoře, na jejímž principu je vystavěn celý Vesmír. V obcích mají lidé vlastní komposty, ale ve městech házíme všechny odřezky ovoce a zeleniny do směsného odpadu a ten činí víc jak 50%.
Tady existuje obrovská rezerva přírodního materiálu, který by se měl vrátit zpět do oběhu. Už za něj bylo zaplaceno spotřebitelem, takže je zadarmo, sám spotřebitel ho zadarmo vytřídí jako to dělá s papírem, plastikou, sklem a kovem, takže ho je třeba pouze zkolektovat, organicky zpracovat a vrátit na pole. Příroda je tak ohromná, že si ho dokonce sama zpracuje, když se přímo zakope tak, jak je…. Sběr jednou dvakrát týdně v určitou hodinu v určité čtvrti by zabránil tlení a sabotérství v popelnicích a značně by snížil sběr směsného odpadu. Dříve nebo později k tomu stejně bude muste dojít, proč ne hned? Proč čekat na výstavbu nových zařízení na zpracování? Šlo by vyčlenit experimentálně oblasti, kde by byli lidé ochotni se projektu zůčastnit, zapojit zemědělské školy a university k získání rad a dát prostor přírodě….když to funguje tady na louce, tak to musí fungovat i někde víc nahoře….Univerzální zákon!

A question for the SRF

rises regarding sadistic sexual electronic torture, that has been remotely performed on perhaps millions of people (70% women/30% men) around the world by millions of other people, who have been given such opportunity kindly by the highest defense departments of the Five eyes and Nato members.
There is a prevailing assumption that by such beastly acts human souls might be created and so the neo-gladiators’ games were resurrected and the suffering of others has become the source of the most attractive satiation of people’s sadistic drives and at the same time the easiest source of income in the known history.
That is one side of the story, the other is that when such sexual torture takes place, it is practically impossible to sit down and go inside oneself to find peace, When the intensity rises, the human targets start to scream or cry. If exposed to it almost 20 hours a day with 4 hours of sleep, suicides, madness or even crimes can happen.
And if such “military training” takes place, what is the sufferer supposed to do? He cannot possibly meditate or concentrate on anything, he/she has to run, his intelligence drops down to zero, and the energy needed for self-awareness is extracted from him/her.
How come, that nothing of that kind described Paramahansa Yogananda or Sri Yukteswar? Or other religions? This is a very dangerous situation, I have mentioned it so many times over the 13 years, I wrote so many letters to the authorities, with only one result. It has increased in numbers and intensity.
The fathers of the churches must know that it is attracting an enormous amount of negative force that cannot but bring a major disaster to our planet.
So it must be, unfortunately, a part of the plan, in a similar way as the pandemic……

The globalist food chain

I follow the food chain dramas very closely because of the esoteric aspect and impacts of such planetary moves. I will repeat again that the atmosphere contains certain amounts of active substances our science knows nothing about as it has no means yet to detect them. But the plants have the apparatuses that do detect them, absorb them, and thus pass them to us as nourishment not only to the physical bodies but also to the spiritual bodies. Through genetic modifications, even through the majority of drafting, the plants lose this ability and that is one of the aspects of how the spiritual degeneration of humanity proceeds. Quite tragic because totally unnecessary, just the lack of esoteric knowledge and a total misunderstanding of how the Universe operates, on almost every level of our civilization. To grow food on such a major scale in environmentally controlled conditions, that need electricity to operate them, without the “reflection” of the sun’s rays, we will gradually stop fulfilling our cosmic obligations and then we will end as in the Universe 25 experiment. That is why I try to persuade everyone including the major players who invest in such technologies that we need to bring back the CREATOR into the picture. On scientific verifiable bases. Let’s not forget one thing, the globalists are on the same ship as the rest of us. With the right knowledge, we can turn the ship in the right direction. How little faith we have in the LOVE of our CREATOR…..

An open letter to the President of the US

Dear Mr. President,

I do not speak the political language of the superpower, but I understand to a certain point the language of GOD. And the language of GOD is telling me, that the whole universe was built according to HIS architectural plan in such a way that it can be deduced from both the macrocosm as well as the microcosm by every external three-brain form of life, to which we humans belong.
So if the most powerful militaries of the world decide to make fools out of humanity by insisting on the ape story, they can do it by keeping the scientific discoveries about Genesis secret, but they cannot prevent people from reading those so-called conspiracy secrets in the anatomies of their own bodies right down to the subatomic level and apply them to the planetary and sur/sub planetary designs.
And those who can read it understand straight away that they cannot possibly rely fully on msm, defense departments, financial or political structures nor on scientific or educational institutions regarding their worldly existence as a preparation for the beyond that follows.

My life can be seen as a horror or as an example, that with the right knowledge every person on this planet can tune to its natural resonance and thus to the pulse of the CREATOR.
But what have we done in the meantime?
We have altered this natural resonance, we are breaking every barrier between the species of the Architect’s plan and thus opening the door to the suffering that GOD would have never inflicted upon HIS Creation in the first place, the same way as a normal earthly father would want to protect his child from it.
That is the tragedy of incomprehension of the Creation, that goes back to the mistranslations of the Biblical texts, to the confusion regarding voluntary and involuntary suffering, to the original plan of the Universe that we misunderstood and reduced down to the ‘god’s helmets’ shameful planetary business, forcing incredible, involuntary suffering on millions of people.
Mr. President, what can diplomacy do in such a state of planetary affairs? Stonewalling stonewalling stonewalling and continuing with ‘business as usual until the higher forces teach you a lesson as they did Joshua? I thought we were already intelligent enough to ‘meet the force of circumstances in a different way but we are not even attempting to try it. Very precise teaching lesson about the theory of natural evolution. How many billions of years would we need yet not to keep journalists in detention centres for doing their work?
Could not instead the good Bible be a wiser guideline?
 “…If this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.” —Acts 5:38–39

Most respectfully,

D. Palmerova

To the distinguished participants of Bilderberg meeting in Washington, DC

Dear Sir, Madam,

The templates can be used on both sides of our battlefield, regardless of what elephants have been discussed.
I do not know how many contemporary human beings met the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute as well as the Absolute the Firm and the evil, destructive force of the Universe in order to testify to humanity that we are not the owners of the Earth, although we behave like that. My testimonies do not have any impact, because unless I am backed up by science, they will stay in the domain of belief/disbelief, which cancel each other in the end. The science is available but kept in official secrecy. Why? Is it not illegal when considering the consequences it has had so far for the whole planet? Yes, it could be said it is not of my concern
But the message of the legendary Beelzebub seems to indicate, that someone has to insist on bringing the question of apes and the Eye for an eye to the press of the world in order to avoid the imminent danger of the biblical proportions.
So I am forwarding this burning bush to you all, expecting that you will use your military, political and financial power responsibly, in accordance with the expectations of our CREATOR that with the intelligence he bestowed on us we will be able to recognize, that our human bodies were created for specific spiritual purposes, not for the space market place to win the prize for the best and quickest physiologically and intellectually advanced technocratic hybrids.
I have failed entirely to discern such orientation in the programs of the leading powers. That is the most unsustainable situation of all when mentating over the rest of the unsustainable situations and issues that seem to be propagated with the accelerating speed.
If the most influential think tanks seem to be in the “interval”, the ancient esoteric schools of psychology can help them to overcome it, to bring into the classical pattern of yes and no reactions the third force, to which we all seem to be blind. Why not use them now, before instead of ‘after’? Just a thought.

With kindest regards,

D. Palmerova

GOD under martial law?

You are interested in the past, I am concerned with the future. We meet at the present.
The court case of Mr. J. Assange has become a symbol of the historical transition of humanity from the old epoch of materialism into the new one that the East defines as the age of electricities.
As a matter of fact, scientifically we have progressed according to the Universal plan, but psychologically we have not moved an inch from the old times and in such an unbalanced ratio between the spiritual and materialistic comprehension of human existence we can be hardly surprised by the present military, technocratic, ecological, political, health and social circumstances, affecting the whole planet.
Our reactions to it reflect the same pattern of thinking.
For catching up with scientific progress and not torturing ourselves through it certain facts of scientific, religious, philosophical and psychological nature have to be brought up in order to explain, where the problem is and how to approach it with the least denying or even destructive force.

It will not solve the imminent dangers and sufferings, but however dramatic they seem to be, they are just the consequences of the mentioned causes. With human intelligence, they can be reversed.
So what can be done today? Well in such times the journalists have a very important and binding role to get the new information in the right context to the people of our planet. That is an enormous obligation because there are 7.8 million people and we all have different opinions and levels of understanding, and cannot agree with each other even within one common field of expertize like Christianity.
But we can manage, provided journalists, activists, academics, and all who “know” or want to know, have access to the knowledge, want to play a decent role in this transformation, and are not under the existential threat, fearful to be jailed or even executed for their reporting, which they have always been, but not on such a scale in democratic systems, as they are now. We are all waiting for the decision regarding Mr. Julian Assange. If extradited, technically it will create precedents for the future cases, but psychologically it will be a matter of that old Dark Ages thinking, that has created all current problems in the first place.
So who is going to report to the world that it is not atheistic and that we were created originally for very, very noble purposes that are certainly worth being rediscovered because none of our futuristic plans seem to surpass them in any way, no matter how hard we are trying to compete with our CREATOR,?

The accidental childhood’s discovery of Nature.

I used the word rape yesterday because it has been stated in the court documents and analyzed so many times in so many details over the 13 years with the video coverage of it, that it became just a formatory description of something that technically speaking did not take place. All media know it as it was the first thing to be analyzed in details for the obvious reasons. I was sort of ironic yesterday and today the echo sounds as if we were back in 2010.

So with a clear conscience, I am saying that no rape as such took place. Close childhood friends of that age do not know the anatomy and when the outer nature manifests accidentally in one of them, they might want to share it out of curiosity, unless they are properly explained not just the technical reasons for such discovered processes, but also their dangers and their higher purposes, reaching far beyond the ordinary life. Not always is such an explanation available, unfortunately.
When that gets exposed to the world in the right circumstances and details 50 years later, we get covid.
I beg for forgiveness from my beloved friend.