Mojmír Babáček

Dne 9. prosince 2023 zveřejnila tisková služba Evropského parlamentu tiskovou zprávu, ve které psala, že EP dosáhl politické dohody s Radou Evropské Unie o “návrhu zákona, který měl zajistit, že Evropa bude bezpečná a bude respektovat základní lidská práva a demokracii”. Budoucí zákon měl zakázat “systémy umělé inteligence, které manipulují lidské chování a likvidují lidskou svobodnou vůli”. Tisková služba uváděla, že poslanci se také “shodli” na “jasných závazcích” ohledně “systémů umělé inteligence, používaných k ovlivňování výsledků voleb a chování voličů” https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20231206IPR15699/artificial-intelligence-act-deal-on-comprehensive-rules-for-trustworthy-ai .

V listopadu roku 2023 předložilo 11 světových lidskoprávních organizací Evropské komisi návrh zákona, ve kterém usilovali o to, aby zákon EU o Umělé inteligenci neřešil jen útoky na lidský mozek z blízké vzdálenosti pomocí propojení mozku s počítačem, ale také útoky na lidské mozky a základní lidská práva a demokracii z velké vzdálenosti https://cz24.news/zachranme-svobodu-a-demokracii-otevreny-dopis-evropske-komisi-evropskemu-parlamentu-ceske-vlade-ceskemu-parlamentu-a-vsem-svetovym-vladam/?print=pdf.

Druhého února 2024 dostaly od Evropské komise tuto odpověď: “Děkujeme za výše uvedený dopis, který vyvolal naši maximální pozornost. Odpověď na Váš dopis vyžaduje další práci, která v současné době probíhá. Za normálních okolnosti můžete očekávat odpověď během jednoho měsíce od našeho obdržení tohoto dopisu”.
Dvanáctého února Evropská komise lidskoprávním organizacím odpověděla ještě jednou. Tentokrát psala: “Váš dopis z 10. listopadu byl předán naším službám a byl kladně přijat” https://www.svobodamysleni.cz/wp-admin/post.php?post=203&action=edit.

V červnu roku 2023 oznámila americká společnost, těžící zemní plyn a vyrábějící zkapalněný plyn Venture Global LNG, že podepsala s německou firmou Geramany´s Securing Energy for Europe GmbH (SEFE) smlouvu, podle které měla dodávat Německu v příštích 20 letech každý rok 2,25 milionů tun zkapalněného zemního plynu a stát se tak jeho největším dodavatelem . Budování projektu CP2 v Louisianě v Cameron Parish mělo začít ještě v tomtéž roce https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/venture-global-lng-signs-20-year-contract-with-german-energy-firm-2023-06-22/ . O půl roku později, 26.1.2024 zveřejnil americký prezident Joe Biden prohlášení, ve kterém oznamoval dočasné zastavení schvalování probíhajících jednání o vývozu amerického zkapalněného zemního plynu. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/01/26/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-decision-to-pause-pending-approvals-of-liquefied-natural-gas-exports/ . Mimo jiné se toto rozhodnutí vztahovalo i na projekt CP2 v Louisianě v Camenron Parish https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/24/biden-pauses-cp2-gas-export-hub .

Evropská unie je v současné době do značné míry závislá na dodávkách amerického zkapalněného plynu a toto americké rozhodnutí znamenalo, že by ekonomika EU po roce 2030 nejspíš nebyla schopná růst v důsledku nedostatku energie. USA mají od roku 2007 k dispozici radarový systém HAARP, kterým je možné ovládat činnost mozků lidí ve velkých oblastech planety manipulací elektrických proudů v ionosféře, které vyvolají elektromagnetické vlny ve frekvencích činnosti lidských mozků https://pravdive.eu/news/63741/je-na-case-zastavit-boj-o-to-ktera-velmoc-ovladne-cinnost-mozku-obyvatel-teto-planety (desátý odstavec) . https://ia802202.us.archive.org/35/items/ma-p-119-652-michala-petr_202203/Mojmír Babáček – Psychoelektronické ohrožení demokracie.pdf (str. 59 – 68). V roce 1994 zveřejnila americká armáda projekt na ovládání činnosti mozků oponentů USA na celém světě “počítačovou simulací jejich osobností” https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA283836.pdf .

Rozhodly se USA, odhodlané využít těchto svých projektů k ovládnutí světa, zastavit úsilí Evropské unie o obranu základních lidských práv před zneužitím neurotechnologií a umělé inteligence? Byla EU, která se čerstvě zbavila dodávek ruského zemního plynu a převedla svou energetickou bezpečnost z Ruska na USA, znovu vystavena politickému nátlaku, kterému tentokrát nebyla schopná čelit, pokud nechtěla přijít o svou prosperitu?

Dne 13. března 2024 schválil Evropský parlament legislativní rezoluci, která stanovila harmonizovaná pravidla pro umělou inteligenci. Na straně 29 této rezoluce se píše: “Manipulativní techniky založené na AI lze použít k přesvědčování osob k nežádoucímu chování nebo k jejich klamání tím, že je podněcují k přijímání rozhodnutí tak, že je podkopávána a narušována jejich autonomie, rozhodování a svobodná volba. Uvádění na trh nebo do provozu nebo používání určitých systémů AI s cílem podstatně ovlivnit lidské chování nebo s takovým účinkem, kdy je pravděpodobné, že bude dotčeným osobám způsobena značná újma, zejména pokud jde o dostatečně významné nepříznivé dopady na fyzické či psychické zdraví nebo finanční zájmy, je obzvláště nebezpečné, a proto by mělo být zakázáno. Tyto systémy AI využívají podprahové signály, jako jsou zvukové a obrazové stimuly a videostimuly, které člověk není schopen vnímat, neboť jsou mimo rámec lidského vnímání, nebo jiné manipulativní nebo klamavé techniky, které narušují nebo oslabují autonomii, schopnost rozhodování nebo svobodnou volbu člověka tak, že tento vliv vědomě nezaznamená, nebo pokud si jej uvědomí, přesto se nechá oklamat nebo není schopen jej ovládat nebo mu odolat. To by mohlo být usnadněno například rozhraními stroj–mozek nebo virtuální realitou, neboť umožňují větší kontrolu nad tím, jakým stimulům je jedinec vystaven, pokud mohou tyto stimuly značnou měrou a výrazně škodlivým způsobem narušit jejich chování” https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/TA-9-2024-0138_CS.pdf .

Dokument Evropského parlamentu neuvádí, že takových účinků může být dosaženo také na dálku elektromagnetickými vlnami, které mohou zasáhnout nejen jednotlivce, ale i masy lidí. V dokumentu se ani nenavrhuje vytvoření agentur, u kterých by si občané mohli stěžovat v případě, že by byli vystaveni takovému porušování jejich základních lidských práv, ať už reklamními agenturami, korporacemi, mafiemi nebo státními orgány. Pokud nebude zveřejněna existence technologií, umožňujících dálkové ovládání činnosti lidských mozků, může být pro lidi obtížné pochopit, co se jim vlastně děje a mohou si dokonce myslet, že jsou duševně nemocní. Za takových okolností budou mít vlády otevřenou možnost totalitní vlády nad občany, aniž by jim to občané mohli dokázat. Už v současné době se stává, že lidé, kteří tvrdí, že jsou bez vlastního souhlasu vystaveni experimentům armád s těmito technologiemi a pokoušejí se proti nim bránit u soudů, odesíláni do psychiatrických léčeben, protože nejsou schopni dokázat, že vládní organizace nebo kdokoliv jiný narušil jejich soukromí a zbavil je osobní svobody. V roce 2016 takové experimenty na tiskové konferenci připustil polský ministr obrany Antoni Macierewicz Electromagnetic Weapons – Minister of National Defence for Poland – YouTube . O půl roku později odpovědělo polské ministerstvo obrany polskému týdeníku NIE na otázku, jestli ministr ustavil komisi, která měla tyto případy vyšetřovat, že toto téma podléhá zákonu o zachování státního tajemství, spojeného s obranou státu http://nie.com.pl/artykul-str-glowna-12/macierewicz-zdalnie-sterowany/#more-38883 .

Výše citovaný text Evropského parlamentu mlčky připouští, že lidé by těmito neurotechnologiemi mohli být donuceni i ke zločinům, za které by vlastně nebyli zodpovědní. To v roce 2021 potvrdila i světová Bioetická komise při UNESCO, když napsala: “Vnější nástroje, které mohou narušovat naše rozhodnutí, mohou zpochybnit nebo dokonce zlikvidovat svobodu vůle jednotlivců a následně i jeho osobní zodpovědnost. Tímto způsobem může neurotechnologie působit na svobodu myšlení, rozhodování a činů. Důsledně domyšleno by to mohlo mít hluboký dopad na právní systémy a organizaci společností” https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000378724 (str. 36).

Uplynuly dva měsíce od doby, co Evropská komise slíbila 11 světovým lidskoprávním organizacím ve svých e-mailech, že se s nimi po měsíci znovu spojí ve věci efektivní obrany základních lidských práv v připravovaném zákonu Evropské unie o umělé inteligenci. Ty ale už od ní žádnou další zprávu nedostaly. Evropská unie evidentně ustoupila nátlaku USA a zveřejnila jenom fakt, že lidské mozky mohou být ovládány na krátkou vzdálenost rozhraními počítač-mozek. Reálnou proveditelnost ovládání činnosti mozků jednotlivců nebo velkých skupin obyvatelstva a jejich myšlení a chování na velkou vzdálenost elektromagnetickými vlnami nebo jinými fyzikálními poli, které v neuronech lidských mozků vyvolají elektrické proudy ve frekvencích jejich činnosti, nezveřejnila.

Bitva za zákaz technologií dálkového ovládání činnosti lidských mozků nemůže být zastavena rozhodnutím amerického prezidenta, že americké plynařské společnosti přestanou přijímat nové zakázky na zkapalněný zemní plyn pro Evropskou unii. Vlády nesmí být schopné proměnit své nebo cizí občany v hračky, se kterými si mohou dělat, co chtějí https://www.globalresearch.ca/why-governments-around-world-classify-information-about-effects-pulsed-mirowaves-extra-low-frequency-electromagnetic-waves-human-brains/5839545 . Evropský parlament zatím odhlasoval jenom legislativní usnesení a pořád je tedy možné přesvědčovat ho, aby v následném zákonu reálně zabránil možnosti dálkového ovládání lidských bytostí. Aby se toho dosáhlo, je možné podepsat petici, která žádá Evropský parlament, aby zákonem zakázal dálkové ovládání lidské nervové soustavy podpisem petice na adrese https://www.change.org/p/ban-remote-control-of-the-human-nervous-system (český předklad petice najdete na adrese https://www.svobodamysleni.cz/index.php/petice-evropskemu-parlamentu/ . Evropská unie by tak mohla dát příklad zbytku světa.

Attachments area

To the highest militaries: Please could you finally step in and bring a common language to this totally unnecessary confusion of tongues?

I am reporting back to you after returning from the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, still pretty alarmed at what I saw.It hurts to say, but for the United Nations, religious freedom ends where so-called LGBT rights begin! – this is the conclusion of the latest UN report on freedom of religion or belief vs. freedom from LGBT discrimination. Such are the intentions of UN independent expert on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI), Victor Madrigal-Borloz, who presented his report at the UN 53rd Human Rights Council (UN HRC), to its 47 rotationary members.In a plenary hall full of transgender activists, large LGBT lobby groups and woke leftist government representatives, CitizenGO brought your voice, the voice in favor of our fundamental right to our faith, beliefs and convictions.Click here to watch the video:The UN Human Rights Council know exactly who we are, and they fear to let us speak. They know we are sustained by millions of citizens worldwide and that we will not just go away.Believe me… It was high hostile territory, with even the organisational body doing their best to prevent us from being heard. What happened to me says it all.I was ready to speak and already listed in the queue of speakers … only to be told that the session will be concluded and that there was ‘no more time’ for any more interventions.This was having listened to 10 radical transgender activists ahead of me, hysterically attacking our religious beliefs. They had no issue voicing their position.But our work didn’t end there. We worked tirelessly to meet with as many delegations as possible to enlighten them about the core concerns of this report, warning them of the possible repercussions of this report for your country and other countries.We were well received delivering your signatures to several delegations prior to the debate including Nigeria, Egypt, Turkey, Paraguay, the Holy See, to make sure if this ever came to a vote, they would be on the side of freedom.Have a look at some of the photos here.Nevertheless, I am actually quite saddened and shocked to report to you that I could not believe what I experienced, inside the plenary hall of the UN. The spirited and passionate support that Independent Expert Madrigal Borloz received is of great concern for me. The fact that so many state governments and the institution of the United Nations is so far deep inside the pocket of large, rich, radical, pro-LGBT and pro-trans lobby groups, should raise serious alarm bells.I cannot believe how low things have fallen, and just how serious the situation has become.Let me summarize some of the most shocking components to this report, that should be of grave concern to any of us who believes in the freedom to one’s own religious beliefs:The report intends to create “a new normative space” where governments impose acceptable LGBT standards for religion.The report calls on governments to threaten and punish religious leaders and organizations that do not comply with LGBT orthodoxy.That religion is often used as a pretext for violence against the LGBT community. And here, they include our Christian faith!!That UN member states ought to use favorable religious leaders and institutions to promote homosexual and transgender ideology.The report hints at forcing clergy to conduct homosexual marriages at the cost of losing their privilege to conduct legally-recognized marriages.Religion often has different family conceptions that are ”exclusionary” of LGBT persons.EXCLUSIONARY!? Believing that marriage is between a man and a woman, or that there is only male and female, is not exclusionary to anybody – it is simply promoting the truth!His outrageous conclusion: “Unless all religions endorse pro-LGBT ideas, individuals who identify as such will be alienated and excluded, causing them pain, mental health issues, and potentially leading them to suicide, and ultimately violating their human rights”.Can you believe what is happening here?!Essentially, the UN Independent Expert for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity’s report is saying that religion MUST accommodate to LGBT conceptions:“The limits established in the very design of Freedom of Religion and Belief – including the fundamental rights and freedoms of LGBT persons – are the key to full compatibility of Freedom of Religion and Belief and all actions that are necessary to combat violence and discrimination against them”. Promoting religion DOES NOT erode into the human rights of the LGBT community. If anything, Christianity as well as many other religions, are a promoter of mutual respect, love for one another, and tolerance. HOWEVER …Promoting transgenderism and homosexuality erodes conflictingly into many religious convictions and teachings!At the heart of the report is the belief that sexuality and gender identity are fundamental rights regarded HIGHER than freedom of religion.Madrigal Borloz said it himself clearly: “Religions don’t have human rights, humans have human rights”.To satisfy the needs of an ideological lobby, the UN is willing to give up the protection of one of its cornerstone UN fundamental human rights – the right to religion and belief. And this is exactly what we won’t back down from defending, at CItizenGO.This battle is crucial. Our religious beliefs are non-negotiable and nobody is to tell you and me how we should live or think about our spiritual lives.For the moment, this issue has only been proposed in the form of a report.However, to the delight of the LGBT lobby, it has seen enormous consensus and admiration, and with the support and push from UN agencies, it wouldn’t come as a surprise if this ended up at the negotiating table.The discourse of these radicals is so dangerous that it paves the way to government control over religious practice, also in your country.We must be ahead of the game, and confront the absurdity and danger of this proposal before it gets out of hand, and without risking it going to a vote. Rest assured the CitizenGO team is working tirelessly to do just that.Please do not refrain from supporting us every step of the way. It is only thanks to your support that we can truly make an impactful change.Thanks for all you do!Ignacio Arsuaga and the entire CitizenGO teamP.S. Want to support CitizenGO’s work? We are committed to working every moment, day by day and year by year, to defend religious freedom in front of the constant attacks of the LGBT lobby and large international organizations. And to do it, we are in ongoing need of your support – now more than ever! Please, consider making a small contribution to help us keep up this fight at the United Nations!More information:UN Attempts to Impose LGBT Orthodoxy on All Religionshttps://c-fam.org/friday_fax/un-attempts-to-impose-lgbt-orthodoxy-on-all-religions/Freedom of religion or belief not incompatible with equality for LGBT persons: UN experthttps://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/06/freedom-religion-or-belief-not-incompatible-equality-lgbt-persons-un-expert


Corbett: Your Guide To 5th Generation Warfare

James Corbett understands Technocracy and Transhumanism, its actors and its enforcers. When TN declared war on Technocracy in 2015, it was in response to this “5th Generation Warfare” that was being prosecuted against the citizens of the world – not against nation-states, but against the citizens of those states.

Source: Corbett: Your Guide To 5th Generation Warfare

‘We’ve got aliens living on this planet’ – India’s first cosmonaut

“There’s no point in building a far-off hell when you have paradise right here,” he added. “Let’s practice sustainability on Earth before we move out.”

Edgar Mitchell – gazing down at our planet –
“want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, ‘Look at that, you son of a b***h!”

Some State Governments Are Passing laws to Prevent Forced Microchip Implants


  • What are the benefits of implanting the chip(s)?
  • Is implanting chips physically and emotionally safe?
  • Who owns the data on the chip?
  • Who has access to the data — and when?
  • Do the chips communicate, somehow, with outside networks?
  • How are chips updated when flaws are found?
  • Can the chips be hacked? Assuming yes, what security is in place to stop unauthorized access to data and manipulation of data?
  • Do religious beliefs forbid the practice?
  • Is implanting the microchip truly voluntary? Will it still be voluntary tomorrow or in 10 or 20 years?
  • Is the practice medically necessary?
  • Are incentives offered to those who participate?
  • Are penalties coming for those who don’t participate?
  • Will being chipped start as an exception and become the rule?
  • Will ethical and moral processes and procedures be breached by hackers? (No way to stop the bad actors once you begin.)
  • What laws are put in place on this implanted chip topic?

New crispr inhibitors found with help from U.S. Department of Defense funding


That is a result of hiding the purpose of human existence from the general public. Otherwise, these brilliant minds would be engaged in research leading to the conscious fulfillment of such purpose, not to his total unconscious denial.

via brighteon

CPTF Letter to the COP 27

 ….four fake palm trees have been erected on the grounds of the COP in order for the 40,000 conference attendees to all be on their cell phones at the same time, all day long, every day for two weeks. Each “tree”, captured in the foreground in the photo above, is simply a metal scaffolding for antennas.

Linking Brains to Machines, and Use of Neurotechnology to the Cultural and Ethical Perspectives of the Current Global Stage


Indian sages do not need machines for achieving even far more advanced results.

via RamolaD report

Blood Alterations V Sources of Current


At the very least we must admit to a pattern in place and good cause to justify the inquiry. At this point, I suspect that the campaign to “induct” the population into unsubstantiated and untested health “therapies” modifies human electromagnetics.  It is entirely reasonable to question if such change is sufficient to transform human blood. 

The scientific and journalism professions exist to confirm or refute this proposal; we each bear responsibility to ensure that this process takes place.  As stated, the time available to do so is no longer at your option.

Biological effects of Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields Carnegie Mellon University 1989 US Congress OTA

Among the responses demonstrated in laboratory studies using animal ce!ls and
tissue are:
• modulation of ion flows;
• interference with DNA synthesis and RNA transcription;
• interaction with the response of normal cells to various agents and biochemicals such as
hormones, neurotransmitters, and growth factors;
• interaction with the biochemical kinetics of cancer cells.

via dr Zory Glaser

The Invisible Rainbow in 9 languages

The political life has its own laws and rules, so has the social life.
The fact that electricity is first of all “an element that is to us more íntimate than the very air that we breathe” (Abbé Nollet 1746) has become a scientific and political means to manipulate the masses without them realizing it because to them the primary function of electricity lies solely in their external world.
Havana syndrome, Sudeck syndrome, neuroses of all kinds, and pandemics ring the bell to the sacred and internal dimension of this mysterious cosmic substance that was known to previous generations.
The Invisible Rainbow recollects its history from the 18th century up to date in a profound way and when reading it one wonders why it is not taught at all levels of the educational system across the planet….
….’The Sole of the Universe’ that produces and sustains Life thro-out all Nature, as well in Animals as in Vegetables” John Wesley the Methodist Church 1760


So far, the psychiatrists, neurologists and doctors label such reports as schizophrenic, delusional and force people on anti-psychotic medication



The European Journal of International Law on The far-reaching US proposals to amend the International Health Regulations at the upcoming 75th World Health Assembly: A call for attention


Global health talks clouded by conspiracy theories about pandemic treaty


and the conspiracy theories from the European Journal of International Law say:


Tom Bearden On Human Mind Control Experimentation

So who and when is finally going to illegalize one of the very sources of unimaginable hatred within the atmosphere that I witnessed? We are talking about reality, not sci-fi. If we do not do it, the Creator will

Tom Bearden On Human
Mind Control Experimentation
From Eleanor White eleanor@raven1.net From A. Tyner atyner@nimbus.ocis.temple.edu 6-19-1

Bearden, Tom, “Mind Control and EM Wave Polarization Transductions – Part I, II & III”   I typed this excerpt because it does not print out on one page. Originally published in Explore (Vol. 9, No. 4) 1999, page 8 of Part III of the article posted at: http://www.cheniere.org/explore%20articles/mind%20control3/p08.jpg     Potential U.S. Rogue Groups and Two Recent Examples   Meanwhile, rogue groups amongst Western clandestine mind control researchers will probably arise if they have not already done so. They will likely seek to increase their personal control and further isolate the programs from orthodox government review and from government and legislative control. They may even divert the research into highly illegal and unethical means, because it furthers their own rogue agendas. That is how clandestine U.S. government research can sometimes go sour, unless great care is exercised by the oversight committees in the House and the Senate.   Sometimes when rogue groups do gain control and total secrecy of a given new technological area, then what appears to be “U.S. government operations” do start to encompass a criminal and unethical operations (sic), hidden usually beneath the deep veil of high classification. Also, if it’s “scientific,” no one is ever brought to justice, even if the “evil science actions” are uncovered and publicly revealed.   We Certainly Have Proof of Such Rogue Activity. For Example, Here are Two Prominent Cases   1. For three decades, scientists from the U.S. government, universities, and civilian contractors secretly conspired to treat unsuspecting human patients with whole body nuclear radiation, including some retarded children and cancer patients. Some of those patients _ including some of the retarded children _ died as a result. These illegal experiments were conducted in great secrecy, and the results were highly classified. Eventually these actions were revealed, and a Presidential investigation committee investigated. These experiments would seem to be little different from the WWII Nazi and Japanese experiments on human prisoners. Are those U.S. scientists who were responsible for those retarded children’s deaths any different from the Nazi scientists and criminals we executed at Nuremberg? So what happened when this terrible thing finally came out into the open? President Clinton publicly apologized! How many of the responsible scientists were indicted for murder? Not one. None is every going to be.   Suppose a doctor here in South Alabama with his own private clinic had secretly irradiated those human patients and retarded children with whole body nuclear radiation, over a period of 30 years, resulting in some agonizing deaths. How many state and federal agencies would have come after him with arrest warrants? Probably about 50 or so. Would he have been indicted, tried, convicted, and executed or sent to prison for life? Absolutely! Would the President of the United States have apologized? Not on your life; he would have turned it over to the U.S. Attorney General with a strong directive to investigate and prosecute on criminal charges.   2. Again for three decades, scientists from (i) the U.S. Government, (ii) universities, and (iii) civilian contractors conspired to give poor syphilitic blacks in Tuskegee, Alabama a placebo while ostensibly treating them for syphilis. The purpose of the program was to deliberately observe and record the ravages of the disease to its fruition in their wracked bodies. So the scientists deliberately sat there and watched their brains rot and their bodies rot. They kept meticulous notes, of course. It was very scientific and it was macabre. They “treated” some 400 Blacks in the “program.” Over 100 blacks died as a result of those ghoulish experiments. So what happened when this gruesome thing was revealed? Again President Clinton publicly apologized. The head of the executive branch did not turn the macabre matter over to his Attorney General to prosecute. How many of these scientists were indicted? Not one. How many are going to be indicted? Not one. Suppose again this had been done by a private doctor in his own private clinic. You get the point.   There is No Punishment for Rogue Scientific Groups   Shockingly, the U.S. government at the highest level has shown (and these are not all such cases by any means!) that mass crimes against U.S. civilians, perpetrated by portions of the U.S. scientific community in direct conspiracy and in secret, will likely be condoned. The perpetrators will not be indicted, tried, or convicted. (emphasis in the original)   Note the connection of the “rogue groups” thesis to the above incidents. Note how rogue scientific groups got away with it in both these cases. There may be other rogue scientific groups getting away with such things today. They should not be able to get away with it. But they can.   Perhaps a most startling additional part of those two incidents is that there was no great public outcry from scientific community, deploring these murders and demanding that the criminal scientists be indicted and tried.   As the old saying goes, “By their silence they have convicted themselves.” The organized scientific community, as a community, has shown that it has little or no ethics, and _ while deploring any scientific murdering that “gets revealed,” _ is not really interested in justice. In short, much of the U.S. scientific community may now have very little ethics left. (emphasis in original)   We are not talking about normal individual science, but the Big Science community. There is a whale of a difference between the two. In the Big Science community, there can be and there are rogue groups. Lots of them. There is deep cover, deep classification. And there is very probably advanced mind control research and testing, be it legal or illegal. Hopefully, most of it is legal and constrained. However, some of it is almost certain to be illegal and ill constrained.   Human beings are still human beings. All the good and evil is still there, regardless of the group. The stage settings change, but the cast of characters and the play never change.   It’s sad, but ’twas ever thus. Hidden parts of our own governments _ and other governments throughout the world _ are no different from the old medieval groups, where nobles etc. were always plotting against the king, or using the king’s power for their own nefarious end. The rogue groups today are no different from all the scheming and conniving groups that destroyed the Roman Empire. Great empires fall from within, not usually from without! (emphasis in original)   Conclusion   …Let us hope this great new area, already off to a bad start, can be bridled and steered in the direction of helping and healing people, instead of killing or abusing them. The excesses in its bad use is a potent threat to all nations on Earth. Yet it can revolutionize medical science, education, communication, and psychology. Eventually it can engineer the mind and memory directly, beneficially…


Global WAR-NING! Geoengineering Is Wrecking Our Planet and Humanity – Global Research

World leaders are meeting in Glasgow at COP-26. All eyes are now on “the imminent dangers of CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions”. The “climate emergency” is a timely instrument of propaganda used to distract people from questioning “the real crisis”, namely the Covid-19 “plandemic”.

Source: Global WAR-NING! Geoengineering Is Wrecking Our Planet and Humanity – Global Research

Time as an enemy and a friend


Dagmar Palmerova
Czech Republic

The Honorable Merrick GarlandAssociate Attorney General 
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Dear Mr. Attorney General,

There are millions of people across the world waiting 11 years for the United States Department of Justice to reconsider its position on Mr. Julian Assange’s case. Everything has been said and written so many times that only the thunderous power of utter silence would surpass that.

When zooming out of opinions and generalizations of pros and against, of powers versus human rights, we can see the classical play of polarized forces of good and evil.

By studying the domain of esoterics anyone can see that superpowers have acquired their dominations over the masses through the classified development of the publicly accessible esoteric science, which has always been far ahead of the orthodox stream.

The impact of the application of such science surpasses the sovereign territories of all countries and it can destroy the whole planet, so far legally, because there are no laws that would protect us against it. The general public does not know about such science, not even the medical industry. From such a point of view, the use of espionage laws of the Dark Ages in the 21st century, where the whole planet shares information in a split of a second simply does not correspond with the enlarged visions of the majority of contemporary humans.

We need to be informed and trained to deal with the new horizons of life on our planet as an inseparable part of the entire Universe. „Safe and effective“ level of communication from such an angle of view is very unsafe and ineffective in the long run.

I am not a judge, rather a subject to be judged and not only in the case of Mr. Julian Assange and Wikileaks,

But to take free information from the public domain, experiment with it freely and secretly in the public domain, make the results states’ secrets, and jail the persons that bring it back to the public domain is called subjective justice.

Apart from this subjective, geographical role justice has also the objective role, superior to the first, to ensure that human conduct is in accordance with the objective laws of the Universe, encoded in the original plan for the GOOD of the whole CREATION. To reconcile both is a difficult and responsible role, for which I wish you all help of the MOST HOLY ABSOLUTE.

Respectfully yours,

Dagmar Palmerova

One copy sent to the US Embassy in Prague and to the Czech foreign minister

Electromagnetic weapons

The word “nuclear” has been used as a means to create fear in the public. In times when the truth cannot be stated directly one has to look at everything as if it were a symbol for something else, perhaps the truth? Or to mislead him/her even further from the truth?
The military experts say that the next war never uses the same order of weaponry. So if nuclear weaponry were already used 70 years ago, it would not be the leading means in the next one. Besides, why would you use the nuclear means that destroy not just the chosen targets but the whole territories for centuries to come, when you have the invisible, remotely controlled directed energy technology of psychotronic nature that destroys only what you want? It has been kept officially in darkness, despite generating billions of dollars on the world’s market stage. It is invisible, electronically controllable, and able to either just manipulate or completely incapacitate, even evaporate any object it chooses. Its source can be land-based, using cell towers, wi-fi technologies, satellites, etc. An ordinary person cannot hide from it anywhere on earth. They have been passed down to the private sector and Gladio armies’ style public and we use them indirectly via smartphones in so far legal, sadistic show-business that generates substantial wealth to many globally based companies and their customers.
In 2001 State Duma adopted Article 6 of the Federal Law of Russia on weapons by forbidding to circulate civil and service weapons and other items, “that have a damaging effect based on the use of electromagnetic, light, thermal, infrasound radiation….”
How we want but mainly can deal with it is a real puzzle to me. Maybe we do not? Perhaps that would be that hidden meaning of the word “nuclear”?