“There will come a Time”

What matter that we be as cagèd birds
Who beat their breasts against the iron bars
Till blood-drops fall, and in heartbreaking songs
Our souls pass out to God? These very words,
In anguish sung, will mightily prevail.
We will not be among the happy heirs
Of this grand heritage – but unto us
Will come their gratitude and praise,
And children yet unborn will reap in joy
What we have sown in tears.
Una Marson 1931

Nelson Makamo, South Africa, “The Announcement,” 2016.

via Consorcium News – Emergence of a New Non-Alignment

“The temple I referred to exists there even up till now and is called, it seems, ‘Mont-Saint-Michel.’”

“It must in fairness be remarked that now and again
certain beings also of the contemporary civilization have
suspected that something was concealed in the productions
which chanced to reach them in the original, specially
created then in Babylon by the members of the club of the
Adherents-of-Legominism, or in those copies which were
made during their transmission from generation to generation
by various conscientious professionals, that is by such
professionals to whom, as I have already said, it was still not
quite proper to plagiarize, and who therefore did not resort
to the detailed remaking of others’ productions in order to
give them out as their own, and thereafter while searching
very seriously for this something, certain of those inquiring
beings of that European civilization even found in them a
certain definite ‘something-or-other.’
“For instance, at the beginning of the contemporary
European civilization one of these beings, a certain monk
named Ignatius, who had formerly been an architect,
attained even to the possibility of deciphering the hidden
knowledge and useful information in the productions of
almost all the branches of what was already called ‘ancient’
art, which had reached him from the Babylonian epoch.
“But when this monk Ignatius was about to share what
is called this said ‘discovery’ of his with other beings there
like himself, namely, with two of his what are called
comrades, monks—together with whom he as a specialist
had been sent by his Abbot for the purpose of directing the
laying of what are called the ‘foundations’ of a temple,
which later became famous—then, for some trifling reason
ensuing from the consequences of one of the properties of
the organ Kundabuffer crystallized in them called ‘envy,’ he
was murdered while asleep and his planetary body was
thrown into the water-space surrounding that small island
on which it was proposed to erect the said temple.
“The said monk Ignatius arose and was formed for
the Being of a responsible being, on the continent Europe;
but when he reached the age of a responsible being, then
with the aim of enriching himself with information
concerning the profession which he had made the aim of
his existence, namely, the profession there called ‘architecture,’
he left for the continent of Africa. And just he it was
who entered as a monk into the ‘brotherhood’ which existed
on that continent Africa, under the name of the ‘Truth Seekers’;
and afterwards, when this brotherhood migrated to the
continent Europe and increased, and when its brethren
began to be called ‘Benedictines,’ he himself was already an
‘All-the-Rights-Possessing-Brother’ of this said brotherhood.
“The temple I referred to exists there even up till now
and is called, it seems, ‘Mont-Saint-Michel.’

Excerpt from Beelzebub’s Tales, Art

So let there be another 1000 years to celebrate..

Architecture as teamwork


Leaving aside the exoteric, light and electromagnetic energy will dominate our lives for the next two thousand years, so perhaps we should start to take the present more seriously, as something with an esoteric dimension.
I had once a conscious dream in my youth, I stood with my grandma in the countryside, looking at the horizon in the direction of Prague. I saw an amazing view of a glass city in the distance. Only much later I learned that such visions are common.
Science is coming closer and closer to the ‘mystery’ of light, so hopefully we will be guided in that direction, out of the Iron Age

Tuesdays in Atlantis’ times

The architectural reviews on the current Bienalle in Venice seem to reflect the burning issues of our times. They are all so overwhelming and interconnected, that a self-preserving drive makes one open ancient wisdom left to us for instance from Atlantis:

On Tuesdays, namely, on the ‘day-of-architecture,’ the
learned beings belonging to the second group brought
various models for such proposed buildings and constructions

as could endure a very long time.
“And in this case, they set up these buildings not
exactly in accordance with the stability ensuing from the
Law of Sevenfoldness, or as the beings there were mechanically

already accustomed to do, but otherwise.
“For instance, the cupola of a certain construction had,
according to all the data, to rest on four columns of a
certain thickness and definite strength.
“But they placed this said cupola on only three columns; and

the reciprocal thrust, or, as it is also expressed,
the ‘reciprocal resistance,’ ensuing from the Law of Sevenfoldness

for supporting the surplanetary weight, they
took not from the columns alone, but also from other unusual

combinations ensuing from the same Law of Sevenfoldness with
which the mass of the ordinary beings of
that time were also already acquainted; that is to say,
they took the required degree of resistance of the columns
chiefly from the force of the weight of the cupola itself.
“Or still another example; a certain stone, according
to all the data established there both mechanically from
long-centuries practice and also thanks to the fully conscious

calculations of certain beings with Reason there,
ought infallibly to have its definite strength corresponding
to a certain power of resistance; but they infallibly made
and placed this cornerstone so that it did not correspond at
all to the mentioned data; but the strength and power of
resistance for the support of the superimposed weight
required on the basis of the Law of Sevenfoldness they
took from the setting of the lower stones, which in their
turn they did not lay according to the established custom,
but again they based their calculations on the manner of
laying the still lower stones, and so on.
“And it was just in these unusual combinations of the
laying of stones, ensuing from the Law of Sevenfoldness,
that they indicated, also by means of a conventional
‘alphabet,’ the contents of some or other useful information.
“This group of learned members of the club of the
Adherents-of-Legominism further indicated what they
wished in their minia-images or models of proposed constructions,

by utilizing the law called ‘Daivibrizkar,’ that
is the law of the action of the vibrations arising in the
the atmosphere of enclosed spaces.
“This law, which has utterly failed to reach the contemporary

three-brained beings of that planet, was then
quite familiar to the beings there, that is to say, they were
already quite aware that the size and form of enclosed
spaces and also the volume of air enclosed in them influence beings in particular ways.
“Utilizing this law, they indicated their various ideas
in the following way:
“Let us suppose that according to the character and
purpose of some building or other it is required that from
the interiors of the given building, in accordance with
the Law of Sevenfoldness and with the mechanical practice

of centuries, definite sensations must be evoked in a
certain lawful sequence.
“Then utilizing the law of Daivibrizkar they combined
the interiors of this proposed building in such a way that
the required sensations were evoked in the beings who
entered them, not in the anticipated familiar lawful
sequence but in some other order.
“And it was just in these deviations from the lawful
sequence of sensations that they placed whatever they
wished in a certain way.

Excerpts from Beelzebub’s Tales, G.I.Gurdjieff, volume II.

Mr.G wrote his books esoterically. Like in the ancient scriptures, everything has several meanings for different levels of understanding of his readers, and each level must be correct, that is a law. Do I fully understand the most elemental meaning of the above section?
No, I do not. I would love to hear or read some lectures from the 4th Way student architects. Just a thought to switch attention from the external to the internal for a change.

“You exist in time”

“You exist in time, but you belong to eternity. You are a penetration of eternity into the world of time. You are deathless, living in a body of death. Your consciousness knows no death, no birth. It is only your body that is born and dies. But you are not aware of your consciousness; you are not conscious of your consciousness.

And that is the whole art of meditation: becoming conscious of consciousness itself.”


“..and it never enters his head that even if he were to meet such a teacher as Jesus Christ, taking him as he is described in the Gospels, he would never be able to follow him because it would be necessary to be on the level of an apostle in order to be a pupil of Jesus Christ. Here is a definite law. The higher the teacher, the more difficult for the pupil.” ISOM p.203

“Every age,

every culture, every custom and tradition has its own character, its own weakness and its own strength, its beauties and cruelties; it accepts certain sufferings as matters of course, puts up patiently with certain evils.
Human life is reduced to real suffering, to hell, only when two ages, two cultures and religions overlap”.
Hermann Hesse, Steppenwolf

(A quote from an Au art exhibition in 2005.

What’s Best?

There was once a little girl who loved asking questions.
‘What’s best? she would ask her mother.
Alles r pears? Roses or gladioli? Water or lemonade? Ball or doll?’
Her mother answered patiently, though she did have her doubts. How can you say what’s best out of a ball and doll, a rose and gladiola?
There came a day when the little girl asked: ‘Mother, what’s best: fairy tales or songs?’
‘Just you tell me what’s best, the sun or sky’, Mother said. ‘ And if you can answer that, I’ll tell you what’s best out of fairy tales and songs.’
The little girl thought long and hard, but it was no use. She gazed up at the sky and the bright round sun. They were so beautiful and quite inseparable.
After that the little girl no longer asked what’s best. She had another question: what’s best about fairy tales? What’s best about songs?
And Mother was delighted to tell her.
From The Singing Feather by Vasily Sukhomlinsky
Raduga Publishers 1984

The Void

We fight with the void and are then defeated
not because the void is stronger than us
but because it is not.

Now stand up and fight with the empty space of the room
so that you can know and taste
the whole stupidity of the human mind.
And then sit down and laugh at yourself,
and as the laughter dies down
be silent and search within,
and then you will come to know a deep mystery:
the mystery that the void is not only without
but within also!Osho

What dots are we going to leave behind?


Each generation must revive the universal heritage from above in its own language, conditions, and further understanding so that humanity can progress up the ladder.
There is some catching up to do.
I heard that in the past, religions used to have psychological schools, where students would learn from the teachers the practical aspects of the highest science on Earth.
There would be sacred dances, sacred music, singing, arts&crafts martial arts, and studies of esoteric science…
Last century the “forest philosophers” brought this knowledge to the surface and it has been practiced in small circles since. Why not introduce it to humanity in a broader way? Why not revive that spirit, dreaming in each of us, waiting to be woken up?
When looking at these abandoned, yet beautiful architectural structures, I can easily imagine such schools being created within them. The ravages of time will otherwise disintegrate them the same way we can see already in our contemporary concrete architecture.
If the robots or the apes are to inherit the Earth it will be of no concern, but if humans somehow manage to survive, what dots will they be connecting?

Dientzenhoferovy kostely na Broumovsku jsou národní kulturní památkou

Broumovské kostely a jejich zápis na seznam UNESCO:


via https://www.lidovky.cz/domov/evropske-mesto-kultury-broumov-2028-koncepce-zastupitele.A220813_082943_ln_domov_lros

The Prague Astronomical and Astrological Clock (Babylonian Time)


The Sun arm with a golden hand attached to it shows three various times on the astronomical dial: common civil time, Old Czech Time, and Babylonian time. The oldest one, which is not used today, is the time in unequal hours, called Babylonian hours (or, for their astrological meaning, planetary hours). The Babylonian time is read approximately at the place where the golden Sun is located, or rather in the intersection of the Sun arm and the ecliptic on the fingery lines. The time between the sunrise and sunset was divided into 12 equal portions, whose duration changes in the course of the year. The contemporary common civil time divides the day into 2×12 equally long hours starting at midnight and at noon. The time of the old Czech (Italian) clock also divides the day into 24 equal hours counted from the sunset. It is indicated on the outward rotated dial – the 24‑hour ring. The golden star connected to the ecliptic ring indicates the sidereal time, which is counted from the moment of passing of the vernal point over the local meridian.

Vltavská filharmonie – Vítězný návrh od Bjarke Ingels Group




via https://www.lidovky.cz/orientace/vltavska-filharmonie-danske-studio-big-ingels-architekti.A220521_155504_ln_orientacer_vag?h=B5F3326459D7F84F0410E88004B28BE1