An Open Letter to the US and the UK Ambassadors in Prague

Your Excellencies,

I would like to stress the urgency of progressing Mr. Julian Assange’s case, which is closely connected with mine. Every independent thinker, following our story for 14 years must have come to realize that there are far deeper issues hidden behind the narratives of freedom of the press, guaranteed by the constitutions of all democratic systems.
If we separate his case from mine, we end up with Dagmar Palmerova, indicted for almost 20 breaches of the United States’ espionage law,  while additionally serving my home sentence for crimes, committed mainly in Australia.
While not disputing the latter, my conscience is clear regarding espionage. Several times, I have stated that I am ready to face this absurdity at the United States courts. The government of my country travels to the White House, Pentagon, and Cia for instructions on how to deal with their citizens, but no one addresses me directly. The United States and the United Kingdom use the case of Mr. Julian Assange as a front for it. It might not specifically breach any subjective law of the so-called civilized world but it certainly breaks the objective law Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.  
The blatant political undertone is very regrettable in this case because being a student of the same esoteric school as some of your most respected intel agents of the past like Mr. J.G. Bennett or Sir Paul Dukes, it is evident to my eye that certain esoteric knowledge has been passed down to humanity without any preparation or the right explanation. The results are overwhelming everywhere we look, from the scientific field of transhumanism and artificial intelligence to the military, political, medical, economic, religious, and social domains, all that under the planetary roof of “carbon dioxide” – carbon and oxygen being the representatives of the active and passive cosmic forces.
Your Excellencies, could your intel agencies introduce to the world stage the missing third reconciling force that can bring the long-awaited peace to this “ill-fated planet” of ours?
Perhaps lifting the martial law imposed on everything connected with me and freeing the publisher and journalist Mr. Assange after 14 years could be the wisest step the intelligence might come up with today.

Yours faithfully,

Dagmar Palmerová

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