
is a magical-sounding formula that evokes a feeling of calm that it is something from nature that one does not interfere with, except during planting and harvesting, and only mechanically. Cherries, plums, apples, strawberries, wine, raspberries, blackberries, currants, nuts have been growing in the family gardens for decades completely independently without any chemicals.But times are changing, and with the development of new disciplines, especially genetics, one note of a sophisticated philosophical mind comes to mind – ‘the greatest crime on humanity is universal literacy’.I do not mean to start a verbally murderous struggle on the social issues and illiteracy of humanity, I just want to make my human colleagues think about the impact of their genetic interventions on nature in the context of history and something called the Ray of Creation. At the present stage, we have a situation in which scientists reject both the theory of intelligent design and the theory of creation, although it is already common from the deciphered human genome of species that we did not originate from natural evolution. One would expect that instead of concentrating on the usual invention of the most destructive viruses, bacteria, and other formations foreign to the human body and mind, scientists would again ask the world the most important question that humanity has been asking since its inception:Who are we, who created us, and for what purpose? And they would acquaint their human family with scientific facts in the context of history and religion.But it didn’t happen. On the contrary, a technocratic movement of transhumanism has emerged, in which the original creation loses its economic value compared to artificial intelligence, and it is said that the only solution to govern this process is by connecting us with it.As a result, thousands of science labs work with the genomes of all external forms and manipulate them to create gmos’, walking in full sun with masks over their faces, eyes fixed on smartphones to locate a person with a viral infection.How does this relate to bio? Well, simply. Bioorganic is bio-organic possibly by being grown in an organic environment, but the problem is that when you cut organic citrus fruit from a supermarket today, you will very often find no seeds but one at the best, which is an unmistakable sign of a genetic defect, either natural one such as in Navel orange or artificially created, for customer convenience or for another reason. In a democracy, one can choose, but one should know that nature in its wisdom uses genetic selection to prevent the degeneration of species. Those who have ceased to fulfill their original function are excluded from the reproductive process. On the contrary, in our considerable ignorance, we have made it a priority and a desirable feature. The problem, however, is that the Ray of Creation, which exists independently of the different stages of consciousness and knowledge of mankind over time, uses the same seed principle of transmitting information to prevent the degeneration of all external forms of its creatures throughout the universe. They have special mechanisms for the absorption of certain cosmic substances from the environment, which the human body can use for mediating certain mental and spiritual processes of man. Genetic interference at this level of cognition is clearly unsustainable.By ignoring the question of the origin and purpose of our existence, we also do not attach any importance to the different vibrations that each organism emits, and it does not seem abnormal to genetically modify the organs in pigs so that they can be transplanted into human organisms. It does not occur to us that this will vibrationally degenerate the highest degree of creation on Earth and at the same time destroy the original function of this animal, which will bring not just suffering upon it, but it will also violate the objective law of equilibration that will transfer the missing function on the shoulders of human beings. Everything is mutually connected. In this sense, literacy takes on a deeper meaning, and so do the missing seeds in fruits and gmo. I understand that when people cannot comprehend what shocks their bodies get with vaccinations they will most likely miss realizing the link between the mortality rates of gmo fed animals and Sagittarians. What I do not understand is how come that the planetary management does allow that when it is a clear indication of sinning against the Holy Spirit. Our planet is under 48 objective laws and we violate many of them, mostly by not being aware of their existence or by refusing to accept them as a limiting factor in our existential expressions. Either we will reconsider our position or we will be forced to do so by Nature.There are over 7 billion of us and each has his/her opinion and force, The fragmentation of both is overwhelming and so is the power of msm on masses. The alternative media could successfully counteract it, but they are in a similar position, having their own specific agendas and often fighting themselves, which means lost force at the end.If I did not have to fight over and over again Pandora since Adam’s time, I would try to unite the forces by adding the missing info from the esoteric domain on the current issues.For example the topic of meat consumption reduction for its negative impact on the environment. It is really an esoteric and health issue, that has been presented to the public as a political, environmental, and human rights question.Before getting emotional about it, everyone should read the Holy Science of Sri Yukteswar, where he leads the reader by observation of teeth, digestive canals, organs of senses, and causes of diseases to the realization that anatomically man is a frugivorous animal. That corresponds with Genesis 1:29.The 4th Way agrees on health issues and adds that higher meat consumption generates willpower in man and is among the causes of wars on our planet, apart from leading to premature death.So of all psyops, coronaviruses, dew, wi-fi, masks, vaccinations, gmo, etc, the meat seems to be in a different category.The meat will still be on the market, but the vegetarian choices might be so tempting that eventually, we will return to the times of our great grandparents, who would consume meat only once a week…..

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